Adjunct Professor
Lyn English

Profile image of Adjunct Professor Lyn English

Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Education

Personal details


Adjunct Professor
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Education


Data modelling and statistical reasoning, Engineering education in the primary/middle school, Mathematical modelling and problem solving, STEM education

Research field

Curriculum and pedagogy, Education systems

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (University of Queensland)
  • MEd (Kelvin Grove C.A.E)
  • BEd (Kelvin Grove C.A.E)
  • DipT (Kelvin Grove C.A.E)

Professional memberships and associations

Fellow of The Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia;  Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia;  National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (USA);  Australasian Association of Engineering Education;  American Psychological Association;   Advisory Board of INSPIRE (Institute for Engineering Education), Department of Engineering, Purdue University, USA;  Advisory Board of the James J. Kaput Centre for Research and Innovation in Mathematics Education, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA.


Professor English has coordinated mathematics curriculum subjects in the undergraduate Bachelor of Education and graduate Bachelor of Education and Diploma courses. She has taught in the masters' courses focusing on mathematics curriculum; research in mathematics education; cognitive psychology; mathematical and scientific reasoning, and early childhood mathematics.

Professor English has supervised many postgraduate students in the MEd, MEd (Research), EdD, and PhD courses at QUT. She has also taught in graduate courses at Purdue University (USA) via online distributed learning communities. She is on doctoral panels of students at universities in the US.



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