Adjunct Associate Professor
Leonie Cox

Profile image of Adjunct Associate Professor Leonie Cox

Faculty of Health,
School of Nursing

Personal details


Adjunct Associate Professor
Faculty of Health,
School of Nursing


Cultural Safety, Mental health, Ethnography, Existential Psychiatry, Health And History, Indigenous Health And Well-Being, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Knowledges in Higher Education, Phenomenology, Social, Political & Cultural Health Determinants, Suicide

Research field

Anthropology, Nursing

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (Social Anthropology) (University of Sydney)
  • Graduate Certificate Education [Higher Education] (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons 1) Social Anthropology (University of Sydney)


Teaching and learning areas

  • health, culture and diversity
  • cultural safety encompassing power, racisms, corporate and professional self-reflection
  • Indigenous health and social and emotional well-being
  • psychiatry and mental health nursing
  • sociology/anthropology and nursing

Current Coordination

Current teaching and curriculum design School of Nursing and Faculty of Health

  • Lectures, online modules and tutorials NSB102 Professional Practice and Cultural Safety
  • Lectures, online modules and tutorials NSB204 Mental Health Self and Others on cultural safety, suicide, personality disorder, self-harm, Indigenous social and emotional well-being, psychosis, mental health assessment
  •  Tutorials  NSB202 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Well-Being
  • Lectures Masters of Psychology PYN030/PYN603: cultural safety and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional well being: Australian history and society, social and emotional well-being and mental health
  • Workshop lecture series Clinical Sciences, Bachelor of Laboratory Science LQB883: Cultural safety and intercultural communication
  • Lecture LQB184  Biomedical Skills 1  cultural safety
  • Lecture/workshop Masters of Public Health PUN632 : Cultural safety in health management
  • Lecture Bachelor of Social Work SWH202: Cultural safety and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional well being
  • Lecture MA in Clinical Psychology and the MA in Education and Developmental Psychology PYN030/PYN603 -cultural safety and Indigenous Social and Emotional Well-being
  • Creative Industries: Indigenous Knowledges Minor:OUB100 Yatdjuligin - Cultural Safety in Indigenous Australian context. Whiteness, white privilege. cultural safety.



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