Dr Lisa Stafford

Profile image of Dr Lisa Stafford

Personal details


Disability, Spatial Justice, Inclusive Communities and regions, Universal Design and Sustainable neighbourhood, transport and open-space planning, Social and economic participation, participatory research methods, lived Experiences & phenomenology, Children and young people with disabilities and diverse children's geographies, Place-based, Education to work pathways, Participation

Research field

Human geography, Policy and administration, Urban and regional planning

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (Queensland University of Technology)

Professional memberships and associations


Supervision topics include:

  • Disability Social & Economic Participation
  • Disability and childhoods
  • Inclusive Communities & Spatial Justice
  • Universal Design
  • Person Environment Studies & Everydayness

Supervision research methods include:

  • Phenomenology - Lived experiences
  • Interpretative Policy Analysis
  • Post-occupancy evaluations
  • Participatory research methods

Teaching: Current lecturer/unit coordinator - SWB306 - People, Community, Disability; SWB102 - Human Development and Behaviour; SWB212- Community and Place Base Practice  in School of Public Health and Social Work. Past teaching: School of Design’s undergraduate theoretical subjects: DTB403 Design Psychology and DTB504 Design in Society. Also guest lectured in Masters level unit LCN601 – Designing Spaces for Learning on topics of inclusion and universal design.


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Selected research projects

Projects listed above are funded by Australian Competitive Grants. Projects funded from other sources are not listed due to confidentiality agreements.


Current supervisions