Professor Mark Burdon

Profile image of Professor Mark Burdon

Faculty of Business & Law,
School of Law

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Faculty of Business & Law,
School of Law


Information Privacy, Privacy Law, Data Protection, Cybersecurity, Information Security regulation, RegTech

Research field

Other law and legal studies, Policy and administration, Other information and computing sciences

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Master of Science (University of London)


I currently teach the information privacy elements of LLB250 'Law, Privacy and Data Ethics.' LLB250 Overview We live in an era where major advances in data-driven technologies are fundamentally changing many aspects of society. These technologies are not only becoming crucial to many businesses, which seek new avenues for creating competitive advantages and value, but also increasingly enmeshed in aspects of our everyday lives. This unit, therefore, explores the legal, ethical and social challenges raised by data-driven technologies in two main parts. The first centres on the information privacy law issues that arise from large-scale collection and aggregation of person information the second relates to the application of data analytics. Exploration of the challenges raised by different technologies across both parts of this unit are guided by broader considerations of fairness, accountability and transparency (FAT). Teaching Style I use an inquiry-based learning approach that embeds consideration of critical questions in real-life practice. The mechanics of information privacy law can be 'dry' and it is in real-life and relevant application where the importance of fully appreciating the law's true importance becomes apparent. My teaching of information privacy law thus embeds students within their own use of everyday devices and platforms to critically examine new data collection business models and the application of law.


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Current supervisions

  • The Information Privacy Law Challenges Presented By Highly Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVS) - a Human Centred Design Approach to Law Reform
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Adjunct Professor Belinda Bennett