Associate Professor
Mirko Guaralda

Faculty of Engineering,
School of Architecture & Built Environment
Dr Mirko Guaralda (Ph.D., MHEd, DArch) is internationally recognised for his research in architecture and urban design, grounded philosophically in the people centred approach promoted by the United Nations-Sustainable Development Goals and the UN-Habitat New Urban Agenda. Dr Guaralda enquires the complex issues of urban morphology, place quality, and community involvement, investigating the creation of adaptive, positive, and responsible urban environments through a distinctive coaching approach. He is a passionate HDR supervisors and has so far supervised to completion more than 20 HDR candidates, most of whom are currently employed in leading research institutions.Dr Guaralda is Associate Professor at the Queensland University of Technology; he currently collaborates with the Universitas 17 Agustus 1945-Surabaya (Indonesia) on a number of research and educational projects. He has also ongoing collaborations with Lodz University of Technology, (Poland); Universidad de los Andes (Colombia); and Chiang Mai University (Thailand). He was visiting professor at the Jiangxi University of Science and Technology in 2018 and 2019; at the Thammasat University of Bangkok, Thailand, in 2017. He was researcher at the United States Study Centre of Sydney (USSC) in 2012 with a study on the relationship between urban form and social behaviour. Since 2016, Dr Guaralda has been collaborating with UN-Habitat promoting people-centred design, delivering workshops and training events based on placemaking and community engagement. Before joining academia full time, Dr Guaralda worked in industry and local government; he has been involved in a wide range of projects at different scales, from small dwellings and gardens, to new estates and urban strategic planning.
Dr Guaralda’s research provides alternatives to the way cities are designed, serving to guide the future of urbanisation, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, where rapid urbanisation still follows unsustainable development models. In the last 10 years, he has been working on smart cities and Knowledge Innovation spaces in collaboration with leading academics in the sector, contributing his experience to enquire the physical outcome and morphological implications of digital technologies. It is critical today for architects to engage with citymaking and placemaking at a sophisticated level if they are to solve the challenges of our modern cities. Dr Guaralda’s people-centred methodology for urban design means he investigate the quality of urban environments avoiding cultural compartmentalisation, embracing the strength of technological innovations, and overcoming the limitation of the business-as-usual model of development. His research approach serves to deliver cities that are designed for wellbeing, prosperity, and happiness in a positive, sustainable, and equitable way.
Dr Guaralda areas of activity can be broadly organised in two main avenues of enquiry:
Urban Morphology and Building Typologies
Our cities are becoming more and more complex and it is necessary to approach their enquiry as an integrated ecosystem. Cities are today recognised as the cause of contemporary challenges such as climate adaptation, pandemics, or economic downturns. Cities are also recognised as the possible solution to these challenging, moving the focus of development towards a positive human-centred approach. Dr Guaralda investigates typo-morphological processes to understand current urban environment and guide the development of our future cities, with a particular focus on medium-density, medium-rise mixed used development.
Sense of Place and Community Involvement
The experience of our cities is an intrinsic element is supporting the development of healthy and resilient communities. People-place interaction can take different forms that requires customised approaches to understand their dynamics. People’s sentiments towards cities can develop and evolve through a variety of daily interactions, such as adoption of mobile technologies, structured and unstructured engagement with public spaces, or the simple casual exploration of the urban fabric. Dr Guaralda investigates tangible and intangible factors supporting the development of a sense of place; community involvement is also investigated as a strategy to foster sense of place and provide agency to communities in shaping their environment.
Personal details
- Associate Professor
Faculty of Engineering,
School of Architecture & Built Environment
Urban Morphology, Urban Studies, Sense of Place, Community Involvement, Building Typologies, Architectural Composition, Missing-Middle
Research field
Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020
- PhD (Politecnico di Milano)
- Master of Higher Education (Macquarie University)
- 5-Year-Degree in Architecture (Politecnico di Milano)
Professional memberships and associations
- Urban Design Alliance - Member (2010 - present)
- Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand - Member (2011 - present)
Dr Guaralda has recognised inspirational and impactful leadership that he has sustained in the domain of architectural education. As an architect with international transdisciplinary expertise in urban design, he works at the intersection of technology, art, and society, ensuring that our students develop into skilled architects and urban designers. His teaching philosophy is grounded in the transformative pedagogy of architecture and urbanism, informed by the typo-morphological approach of the Milan School of Architecture, the art of arranging urban elements to meet human needs, and with a strong focus on industry engagement for students.
Mirko has delivered units and professional training across three different continents and six different countries. His teaching at QUT includes:
- 2022 Master Studio: Adaptable
- 2013, 2019-2021 Architectural Design 07
- 2014-2015, 2018 Master Studio
- 2018 Urban Design
- 2008-2021 Architecture and the City
- 2009-2013 Architectural Theory and Research
- 2010-2013 Placemaking in Architecture
Dr Guaralda’s inclusive and ethical leadership champions ideas and talent to produce a sustained and positive impact on QUT’s reputation locally and internationally. He has established research teams and promoted collaborations between QUT, professional bodies, industry, government, and international institutions. He has also designed and delivered a number of learning experiences engaging with local communities and international stakeholders.
He led and established a joint design studio in 2019 with several international universities: Universitas 17 Agustus 1945-Surabaya/ Pancasila/ Podomoro, Indonesia; Lodz University of Technology, Poland; Universidad de los Andes, Colombia; challenging students in sustainable urban design to address climate adaptation and action, as per the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals.
He fostered the collaboration between QUT and Logan City Council in the delivery of the Logan Citystudio (2018-2020), based on the Vancouver CityStudio, where students addressed emerging issues in the Logan area, engaging a transdisciplinary group from different disciplines, faculties, and universities.
His expertise and unique contribution to the field of urban design have been internationally recognised with invitations to present at major international events, such as the first-ever placemaking week in China, promoted by the UN-Habitat, Project for Public Space, Wuhan University, 2018; the 7th United Cities and Local Government-Asia-Pacific congress, Surabaya, 2018; and, the Meeting of the Minds Boston Mobility Summit, 2017.
- Guaralda, M., (2013). Eye on the street? Sensory Experiences in Public Places [Esperienze sensoriali negli spazi pubblici]. In_Bo: ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la citta e l'architettura, 4(1), 71–80.
- Guaralda, M. & Kowalik, M. (2012). Negative space and positive environment : mapping opportunities for urban resilience. REAL CORP 2012: Re-Mixing the City: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society GeoMultimedia 2012, 523–532.
- Rawlinson, C. & Guaralda, M. (2012). Chaos and creativity of play: Designing emotional engagement in public spaces. Out of control: Proceedings of 8th International Design and Emotion Conference, 1–12.
- Rawlinson, C. & Guaralda, M. (2011). Play in the city: Parkour and architecture. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Engineering, Designing and Developing the Built Environment for Sustainable Wellbeing, 19–24.
- Joyce, T. & Guaralda, M. (2013). Life on the edge: The effects of building facade three dimensionality on public social behaviour. In_Bo: ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la citta e l'architettura, 4(1), 158–173.
- Braben, O. & Guaralda, M. (2013). Improving the walkability of subtropical urban areas: A case study analysis for the development of a design process. In_Bo: ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la citta e l'architettura, 4(1), 81–103.
- Drake, M. & Guaralda, M. (2013). Rejuvenating lost and disused space within Fortitude Valley: A study into the effectiveness of urban greenery in subtropical public space. In_Bo: ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la citta e l'architettura, 4(1), 137–157.
- Yang, K. & Guaralda, M. (2013). Sensuous geography: The role of sensuous experiences and their contemporary implications in public squares, a Lefebvrian approach. In_Bo: ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la citta e l'architettura, 4(1), 174–186.
- Ding, Y. & Guaralda, M. (2013). The study of design elements and people's behaviour in campus public space: How design shapes user's behaviour. In_Bo: ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la citta e l'architettura, 4(1), 114–136.
- Cassels, D. & Guaralda, M. (2013). Environment and interaction: A study in social activation of the public realm. In_Bo: ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la citta e l'architettura, 4(1), 104–113.
QUT ePrints
For more publications by Mirko, explore their research in QUT ePrints (our digital repository).
- Type
- Keynote Speaker/Expert Panel Member/Invited Speaker for a Conference
- Reference year
- 2018
- Details
- In 2018 Un-Habitat has requested my collaboration to deliver the Wuhan Placemaking week, organised in collaboration with Project for Public Spaces, the leading international NGO about placemaking, and ISOCARP. As part of my engagement, I was invited to join the judging panel for the UN-HABITAT 2018 International Urban Design Student Competition | Urban Heritage & Transformation: Wuhan, China. I was entrusted with developing the report for the competition and media release. During the placemaking week, I have delivered training for government officials and practitioners, and coordinated the delivery of the students design workshop linked with the event. I was requested to chair and moderate all parallel session about placemaking and also address the audience with a case study from my work. My participation was judged unanimously positive; feedback collected after the training event ranked my contribution as one of the top-four of the event, out of 20.
- Type
- Keynote Speaker/Expert Panel Member/Invited Speaker for a Conference
- Reference year
- 2018
- Details
- In 2017 I was invited to contribute my expertise to the Meeting of the Minds 2017 Boston Leadership Summit. I was one of the only two attendees not coming from North America. This summit is a high level gathering that was attended by government officials and COE of important companies. I was specifically contacted on the basis on my expertise to attend this meeting, which was closed to the general public.
- Type
- Visiting Professorships/Fellowships
- Reference year
- 2017
- Details
- In 2017 I was invited to contribute to the Urban Design and Development International Program as Visiting professor at the Thammasat University of Bangkok, Thailand. Thammasat University is a leading Thai educational institution, recognised for its quality teaching and established reputation in the Asia-Pacific region. This invitation was a recognition of my expertise in Urban Design as well as my reputation as educator.
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2015
- Details
- In 2015 I was awarded the Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence (Engagement)in recognition to my outstanding contribution to the university
Current supervisions
- A Model for Post-Disaster Reconstruction: Reconceptualising Public Space as a Medium to Increase Urban Resilience within Islamic Society in Post-Disaster Reconstruction
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Dr Paul Donehue, Dr Simone Brott - Gender and public space: Designing gender-friendly public space to support young women's engagement in public space in Dhaka, Bangladesh
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Dr Alayna Renata, Associate Professor Debra Cushing - How can neurosciences and urban design work together to build dementia-friendly neighborhoods?
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Associate Professor Severine Mayere, Adjunct Professor Bouchra Senadji, Professor Karen Vella - Speculation, Spectacle and Spectre: Commodification of Public Space in Urban Neighbourhood of Dhaka, Bangladesh
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Dr Paul Donehue, Associate Professor Severine Mayere
Completed supervisions (Doctorate)
- From Product to Process and Site to System: Disaster Resilience and Humanitarian Design in Architecture Education (2020)
- A Methodological Approach for Establishing Place Quality in Australian Innovation Districts (2019)
- Housing for an Ageing Australia: What Next? (2019)
- A Conceptual Approach for Place Making in Knowledge and Innovation Spaces: Case Investigations from Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney (2018)
- The Meaning Change of Urban Heritage: A Socio-Semiotic Investigation of Historic Areas in Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2018)
- Respecting Nature: The Centrality of Village Life in Jiangxi Province, South East China (2017)
- Media Architecture: Facilitating the Co-creation of Place (2016)
- Deltaic Urbanism for living with flooding in Southern Vietnam (2015)
- Territoriality and the Regulation of Public Space in Favela Morro da Formiga, Rio de Janeiro (2015)
- Transformation of Public Space in Contemporary Urban Neighbourhoods of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: An Investigation of Changing Provision, Use and Meaning (2015)
The supervisions listed above are only a selection.