Dr Mallihai Tambyah

Profile image of Dr Mallihai Tambyah

Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Education

Personal details


Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Education


Initial teacher education, Teachers' work, Teacher Identity, Phenomenography, Australian National Curriculum, History teachers, Social Studies, Studies of Society And Environment (SOSE)

Research field

Specialist studies in education, Cultural studies, Literary studies

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (Queensland University of Technology)

Professional memberships and associations

  • member - AARE (Australian Association for Research in Education)
  • member - ATEA (Australian Teacher Education Association)
  • member - QHTA (Queensland History Teachers' Association)
  • member - QCT (Queensland College of Teachers)
  • Vice President -  SCEAQ (Social & Citizenship Educators' Association of Queensland)


Mallihai is the lecturer and unit coordinator for a range of education units in the Bachelor of Education and Master of Teaching degrees in:

  • Secondary History Curriculum Studies
  • Primary Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum Studies

In each of these units Mallihai promotes the importance of subject knowledge in the social sciences, supported by inquiry-based teaching approaches.  It is essential that pre-service social education teachers are fully aware of the importance of having strong disciplinary knowledge as the basis of their knowledge for teaching Humanities and Social Sciences in primary and secondary school contexts. In her curriculum studies units, Mallihai is particularly interested in developing pre-service teachers' self-efficacy and emerging teacher identity as social science teachers.  She promotes the development of these personal qualities by engaging pre-service teachers in researching and developing practical and innovative curriculum units for use in their teaching career, reflective writing on professional practice and in promoting online communities of practice to further teachers' knowledge.



QUT ePrints

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