Associate Professor
Maryanne Theobald

Profile image of Associate Professor Maryanne Theobald

Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Education

Personal details


Associate Professor
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
School of Education


Interaction, communication, conversation analysis, ethnography, video-stimulated accounts, multi-lingual, children in changing contexts, early childhood education, friendship, disputes

Research field

Education systems, Sociology, Specialist studies in education

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Bach of Ed Studies (University of Southern Qld)
  • Diploma of Teaching (Queensland University of Technology)

Professional memberships and associations

  • Queensland College of Teachers
  • Early Childhood Australia
  • American Sociological Association Childhoods and Youth Section
  • American Sociological Association Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis Section
  • Australasian Institute of Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis

External Profiles and links:

PublicationsResearchgate | ORCID

Co-editor RCSICo-editor IJEC

eLearning Digital PlayFriendship Factor Podcast

The Language of Friendship Presentation | Friends Matter Research Snapshot


Maryanne is unit coordinator in various units in the undergraduate and Masters programs of the Faculty of Education, including a large foundational unit in the common first semester of the Bachelor of Education Program. Maryanne has co-supervised HDR students to completion. Maryanne is a registered early childhood teacher and has experience teaching early years in Queensland in kindergartens and preschools, being the director of Salisbury C&K kindergarten for 14 years. During that time Maryanne facilitated professional development that focused on documenting children’s learning and negotiating the curriculum with young children.



QUT ePrints

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Current supervisions

  • Leaders in schools implementing the Australian Curriculum through the principles of Reggio Emilia: A case study of practices
    Professional Doctorate, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Associate Professor Megan Gibson

The supervisions listed above are only a selection.