Dr Marcello Tonelli

This person does not currently hold a position at QUT.
Personal details
Research field
Strategy, management and organisational behaviour
Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020
- PhD (Queensland University of Technology)
Professional memberships and associations
- 2005 − current Certified Management Consultant (CMC) and
Member of Institute of Management Consultants (MIMC) - 2004 − 2012 Fellow of the Australian Institute of
Management (FAIM) - 2009 − 2012 Graduate Member of the Australian
Institute of Company Directors (GAICD) - 2009 − 2010 Member of Project Management Institute
(PMI) - 2002 − 2009 Member of the Australian Computer Society
(ACS) - 2004 − 2008 Member of Australian Property Institute
(API) - 1998 − 2003 Member of System Dynamics Society
- Tonelli, M. & Dalglish, C. (2012). Micro-credit is necessary but not sufficient for entrepreneurs in desperate poverty. FSR Forum, 14(4), 17–21. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/52652
- Tonelli, M. & Dalglish, C. (2011). Entrepreneurial becoming: an educational pathway out of poverty. Presented at: 3rd International Social Innovation Research Conference, 1–15. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/46158
- Tonelli, M. & Serio, L. (2012). Territorial strategy and regions. Encyclopedia of New Venture Management, 446–448. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/52052
- Tonelli, M. & Dalglish, C. (2012). The role of transport infrastructure in facilitating the survival and growth of micro-enterprises in developing economies. Presented at: 2012 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research and DIANA Conference (ACERE DIANA), 111. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/48723
- Tonelli, M., Cowley, M. & Boyd, T. (2004). Forecasting Office Building Rental Growth Using a Dynamic Approach. Pacific Rim Property Research Journal, 10(3), 283–304. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/22574
- Tonelli, M., (2011). Unstructured processes of strategic decision-making: Unstructured strategic decision-making processes: CRE decision-making in the Italian consulting industry. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/54191
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