Associate Professor
Margaret MacAndrew

Faculty of Health,
School of Nursing
Dr MacAndrew is an RN with experience across many clinical settings, including emergency nursing, care of children with special needs, dental surgery and most recently aged and dementia care. With a passion for improving quality of life and quality of care for older people and people with dementia, particularly in residential aged care, Margaret made a career change in 2010 and took a position as a research assistant and later a project manager with the Dementia Collaborative Research Centre, and a sessional academic at QUT. After completing her PhD that described the charaterisitcs of dementia-related boundary transgression, the characterisitc of wandering behaviour that takes the person into out of bounds or hazardous areas, she accepted the position of Academic in the School of Nursing, QUT. In this role she coordinated and re-developed the first year undergraduate clinical theory unit (NSB132) to focus on care of the older person and people with dementia. She also co-lead the development of the Masters of Gerontology course. In 2023, she was appointed as the Director of Dementia Training Australia (Qld & NT).As a mid-career researcher she leads a program of research focusing on improving the safety of older people and people with dementia through non-pharmacological interventions, better assessment and person centred care planning. She has published 25 peer reviewed journal articles and has received over $450,000 funding as principal investigator. She also served as a member of the NNIDR/DCRC Dementia Consumer Involvement Advisory Panel and contributed to the development of training resources for dementia Advocates and Researchers.
Personal details
- Associate Professor
Faculty of Health,
School of Nursing
Dementia, Aged Care, Behavioural Symptoms of Dementia, Wandering, Respite
Research field
Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020
- PhD (Queensland University of Technology)
- Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Ageing & Dementia Studies) (Queensland University of Technology)
- Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice (Queensland University of Technology)
- Bachelor Applied Science (Nursing) (Edith Cowan University)
- Diploma Applied Science (Nursing) (Cath. Coll. of Ed.)
Professional memberships and associations
National Hartford Centre for Gerontological Nursing Excellence: International Engagement Special Interest Group (Co-Chair)
Australian Association of Gerontology
Associate Professor MacAndrew teaches across a variety of units in the undergraduate Nursing degree.
Undergraduate Courses (QUT)
- NSB132 Integrated Nursing Practice 1: On-Campus (Unit Coordinator)
Post-Graduate Units (QUT/OES)
- NSQ631 Ageing and Health Assessment (Quality Equivalence Advisor)
- NSQ634 Dementia (Quality Equivalence Advisor)
Teaching Awards
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Distinguished Gerontological Educator award (2020) (National Hartford Centre for Gerontological Nursing Excellence)
- O'Connor, C., Liddle, J., O'Reilly, M., Meyer, C., Cartwright, J., Chisholm, M., Conway, E., Fielding, E., Fox, A., MacAndrew, M., Schnitker, L., Travers, C., Watson, K., While, C. & Bail, K. (2022). Advocating the rights of people with dementia to contribute to research: Considerations for researchers and ethics committees. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 41(2), 309–313.
- Brooks, D., Johnston, S., Parker, C., Cox, L., Brodie, M., Radbourne, C. & MacAndrew, M. (2024). Elements of long-term care that promote quality of life for Indigenous and First Nations Peoples: A mixed methods systematic review. The Gerontologist, 64(1).
- Chambers, S., Spooner, A., Parker, C., Jack, L., Schnitker, L., Beattie, E., Yates, P. & MacAndrew, M. (2023). Clinical indicators of acute deterioration in persons who reside in residential aged care facilities: A rapid review. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 55(1), 365–377.
- MacAndrew, M., Brooks, D. & Beattie, E. (2019). NonPharmacological interventions for managing wandering in the community: A narrative review of the evidence base. Health and Social Care in the Community, 27(2), 306–319.
- MacAndrew, M., Kolanowski, A., Fielding, E., Kerr, G., McMaster, M., Wyles, K. & Beattie, E. (2019). “Would you like to join me for a walk?” The feasibility of a supervised walking programme for people with dementia who wander. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 14(3).
- Kolanowski, A., Boltz, M., Galik, E., Gitlin, L., Kales, H., MacAndrew, M. & other, a. (2017). Determinants of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: A scoping review of the evidence. Nursing Outlook, 65(5), 515–529.
- Low, L., Fletcher, J., Goodenough, B., Jeon, Y., Etherton-Beer, C., MacAndrew, M. & Beattie, E. (2015). A systematic review of interventions to change staff care practices in order to improve resident outcomes in nursing homes. PLoS One, 10(11), 1–60.
QUT ePrints
For more publications by Margaret, explore their research in QUT ePrints (our digital repository).
Current supervisions
- Investigating Cognition in People With Diabetes-Related Foot Ulcers; A Case-Control and Prospective Longitudinal Study
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Associate Professor Christina Parker, Dr Kathleen Finlayson, Associate Professor Peter Lazzarini - Delirium in Acute Care: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of the Gap Between Evidence-Based Practice and Clinical Care
MPhil, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Associate Professor Amanda Fox
Supervision topics
The supervisions listed above are only a selection.