Dr Max De Antoni Migliorati

Profile image of Dr Max De Antoni Migliorati

Research field

Other earth sciences

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (Queensland University of Technology)
  • MSc (University of Padova)

Professional memberships and associations

I am an agricultural scientist and crop modeller specialised in the interaction of carbon, nitrogen and water in agricultural soils. My research interests relate mainly to climate change and sustainable agricultural practices, with a special focus on soil fertility. I have been involved in several major projects worth over USD $2M using stable isotope, greenhouse gas measuring, and crop modelling techniques to determine and improve the sustainability and productivity of diverse cropping systems in temperate, subtropical and tropical environments. I have significant collaborations with Australian, American and European universities and research institutes on measuring and modelling carbon and nitrogen cycling in broad acre cropping, including providing scientific and technical advice, data analysis and publication outputs.


Soils and the Environment - EVB312 Soil Microbiology - BVB305 Environmental Assessment and Planning - UXH331


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