Dr Md Kamruzzaman

Profile image of Dr Md Kamruzzaman

Personal details


Geographical Information System (GIS), Land Use Planning, Planning and Decision Support Systems, Remote Sensing (RS), Rural Transport, Transport Geography, Transport Planning, Transport Related Social Exclusion, Travel Behaviour, Urban Planning

Research field

Urban and regional planning, Transportation, logistics and supply chains

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (Transport Planning and Policy) (University of Ulster)
  • MSc (Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation) (University of Twente)
  • Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (Bangladesh Uni. of Engineering and Technology)

Professional memberships and associations

University Services:

  • Research Ethics Advisor for Civil Engineering and the Built Environment (CEBE); and Earth, Environment, and Biological Sciences (EEBS)

Editorial services:

Research groups:

Professional attachment:


Dr Kamruzzaman has 15 years of teaching experience in urban/transport planning across three universities: Queensland University of Technology (QUT); University of Ulster (UU); and Jahangirnagar University (JU). Over the last four years, he has been working as a Senior Lecturer in Urban and Regional Planning at QUT. During this period, he has demonstrated leadership in teaching by integrating hybrid instructional methods as evidenced in his scholarly publication. He has also maintained excellence in teaching as reflected in student satisfaction rating. He has supervised two PhD students to completion and he is currently supervising 6 PhD students as outlined in the Supervision tab.
Potential PhD topics

Teaching units
Currently, I teach the following units at Queensland University of Technology (QUT):

  1. UXB134: Land Use Planning (First Year)

  2. UXB231: Planning Processes and Consultation (Second Year)

  3. UXB332: Transport Planning (Third Year)
  4. UXB400: Honours Project

I occassionally taught the following courses/units at QUT:

  1. UDB164: Population and Urban Studies (First Year)

  2. UDN552: Population and Urban Studies (Postgraduate)

  3. UDN576: Transportation Infrastructure (Postgraduate)

I have taught the following courses/modules at the University of Ulster (UU):

  1. TRA101J1: Transport Systems

  2. TRA502J1: Transport and Society

  3. SUR326J1: Spatial Planning

  4. SUR311J1: Sustainability and Spatial Analysis

I have also taught the following courses at Jahangirnagar University (JU), in Bangladesh:

  1. URP3104: Project Planning and Evaluation

  2. URP3108: Project Planning and Evaluation (Practical)

  3. URP1105: Statistics

  4. URP2214: GIS and Remote Sensing

  5. URP3101: Environmental Planning and Management

  6. URP3104: Housing

  7. URP2201: Construction Materials

  8. URP2215: Land Use Planning

  9. URP2210: Regional Planning


QUT ePrints

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