Professor Mia Woodruff

Faculty of Engineering,
School of Mech., Medical & Process Engineering
Professor Mia Woodruff has 21 years’ experience in biomedical engineering since her undergraduate degree and PhD at the University of Nottingham, UK. She is as an internationally renowned expert in tissue engineering and Biofabrication, with extensive experience in all aspects of biomaterial scaffold fabrication techniques, pre-clinical models and histological analysis. Mia has published over 120 peer reviewed journal articles and is the recipient of a QUT Vice Chancellor’s Research Fellowship, and ARC Fellowship. Mia established the Biofabrication and Tissue Morphology Group (BTM) in 2010 which now comprises 6 post-doctoral fellows, 12 PhD students, 4 research assistants, 3 Honour students and several final year undergraduate project students as one of QUT’s youngest professors. Mia’s exciting vision is of a future where the fabrication of patient-specific replacement tissue and organs is safe, cost-effective and routine and where 3D medical scanning modelling and printing can positively impact healthcare service delivery. In partnership with Metro North Hospital and Health Services, Mia’s Hospital of the Future vision has recently led to the establishment of the Herston Biofabrication Institute. Mia’s team focusses on uses the platform technologies of 3D scanning, modelling and printing, bringing together clinicians, researchers, industry and patients on one site. Mia is also a passionate science- communicator and recognises enormous value in engaging the general public in her work; particularly students. Main Areas of Research- Composite scaffolds for tissue engineering
- Advanced non invasive scanning
- Anatomical modelling and 3D printing
- Electrospinning – melt and solution
- In vivo models for bone regeneration
- Cell culture and in vitro biocompatibility studies for new biomaterials
- Microsphere production for growth factor delivery
- Histology and uCT assessment of biomaterial implants
- Large animal models, large bone explants (including metallic) advanced histology processing using PMMA resin embedding
- 2020-2023 - Advance Queensland Fellowship. 1 post doctoral research position. COVID-19 Rapid manufacture of respirator face-masks using 3D printing. $180,000. Paxton,
- 2020 - Bionics Queensland Challenge – Category 1. Tissue-engineered vascular grafts via soft robotics. $50,000. Brooks Richards, Fell, Schoenborn Allenby, Woodruff.
- 2020 - JTI Funding Initiative. Personalised 3D printed reactive cushions for pressure wound management. $50,000. Forrestal, Powell, Slattery.
- 2020 - JTI Funding Initiative. Virtual reality for trauma care equipment suite. $16,000. Desselle.
- 2019-2022 - Advance Queensland Fellowship Cluster in Biofabrication. 3 post doctoral researcher positions. Biofabrication for Burns, Biofabrication for customised metallic implants, Biofabrication for vascular surgery. $1,200,000. Powell, Matthews, Allenby.
- 2019-2020 - Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital. A biofabricated surgical referral suite to predict intracranial aneurysm rupture. $40,000. Winter, Allenby, Prior, Clouston.
- 2019-2020 - MNHHS Collaborative Research Grant. Biofabricated biological meshes for pelvic surgery. $50,000. Warwick, Totsika, Riddell, Woodruff.
- 2019 - Anonymous donor. $70,000. Powell,
- 2018-2020 - NHMRC Project Grant. Optimising bone regeneration using advanced design and fabrication technologies. $916,671. Zreiquat, Little, …
- 2017-2019 – MTP Connect. Biofabrication. $400,000. Woodruff, Powell, Dornan
- 2016 – Cecilia Kilkeary Foundation. 3D Scan and Print Lab for Prosthetic Ears. $27,500. Woodruff.
- 2016-2020 – ARC Industrial Transformation Training Center. Additive Biomanufacturing. $3.72 Million. Hutmacher, Klein, Woodruff, et al.
- 2016 – Advance QLD Knowledge Transfer Partnership. Hear and Say – QUT. $75,000. Woodruff and Powell.
- 2016-2020 – Innovation Manufacturing CRC. Innovative Manufacturing CRC,. ~$40 Million. Numerous CI’s.
- 2015-2017 AO Foundation. Prevention of Bisphosphonate Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws Using a Novel Tissue Engineering Strategy. $429,000. Hutmacher, Werner, Lynham, Woodruff, Brierly.
- 2013-2016 – ARC Linkage. Smart-Matrix™ approaches towards neo vascularisation in bone repair. $400,000. Woodruff, Blackwood, Macneil, Couzens.
- 2013-2016 – ARC Linkage. A novel electrospraying technology platform for controlled and targeted growth factor delivery. $250,000. Woodruff, Shakesheff, Couzens.
- 2013-2016 – NHMRC Development Grant. The reconstruction of large segmental bone defects using patient-specific tissue engineered constructs. $450,000. Hutmacher, Schuetz, Woodruff, Epari, Dickinson, Saifzedah, Sommerville, Steck.
- 2013 – 2015 – ATN-DAAD. Osteochondral defect regeneration. $24,000. Woodruff, Gelinsky.
- 2012-2014 – Wesley Research Institute Project Grant. Reconstruction of large bone defects using patient specific tissue engineered construct. $89,600. Dickinson, Hutmacher, Schuetz, Woodruff, Epari, Saifzedah, Sommerville, Steck.
- 2011-2014 – ARC Linkage. Development of new scaffolds for bone repair comprising PCL & strontium- substituted bioactive glasses. $391,000. Woodruff, Crawford, Stevens (UK)
- 2010-2013: ARC Linkage. Bone Tissue Engineering using innovative tubular dual layered nnofiber meshes. $404,000. Hutmacher, Woodruff, Saifzedah, Crawford, Guldberg, Mooney, Pearce.
- 2011 AOCMF. Craniofacial repair using electrospun meshes. $50,000. Hutmacher, Berner, Woodruff, Saifzedah, Schuetz.
- 2009 – 2011: ARC Discovery. Design and Fabrication of an engineered bone graft system by combining a composite scaffold and growth factor delivery system. $337,000. Hutmacher, Woodruff, Guldberg Shakesheff.
- 2019-2020 - QUT Engagement Innovatio. PARM-VR - Co-design of an Innovative Virtual Reality (VR) Environment as a Pain and Anxiety Augmented Relief Method in Burns Survivors and Adolescents and Young Adults (AYAs) with Cancer. $40,000. Desselle, Woodruff.
- 2019-2020 - QUT IHBI Inter-Theme Grant An intelligent risk stratification software to predict intracranial aneurysm rupture. $11,000. Allenby, Alonso-Caneiro, Woodruff.
- 2019-2020 - QUT IHBI ECR Development Grant. Ad3Vasc: Advanced composites, designs, and mechanics for personalised functional vascular stents. $10,000. Allenby, Woodruff.
- 2019 - QUT IHBI Major Equipment Scheme. Equipment bid – Cell Culture Peristaltic Pump and Peripherals. $16,072. Forrestal, Woodruff.
- 2016 Engagement Innovation Grant. 3D printing in all high schools. $29,000. Woodruff, Farrelly, Bilsborough, Powell, Lanaro, Helens.
- 2012 IHBI Cells & Tissue Collaborative Grant. Soft Tissue Injury. $30,000. Peake, Woodruff, Steck.
- 2011 – IHBI ECR Grant. Histological methods for assessing bone regeneration. $10,000. Woodruff.
- 2011-Present – Equipment Grants. Building histology capacity at QUT, more than 10 equipment grants awarded totally over $1 million. Woodruff, et al.
- 2017-present: Professor, QUT
- 2018-2020: Acting Director, Herston Biofabrication Institute
- 2013-2017: Associate Professor, QUT
- 2010-present: Group Leader Biomaterials and Tissue Morphology Group
- 2009 – 2010: Senior Research Fellow, Regenerative Medicine Group, IHBI, QUT
- 2006 – 2009: Post Doctoral Research Fellow, National University of Singapore
- 2011-2014: ARC, APD(I) Fellowship
- 2010-2013: QUT Vice Chancellor’s Research Fellowship
Personal details
- Professor
Faculty of Engineering,
School of Mech., Medical & Process Engineering
Research field
Biomedical engineering, Biochemistry and cell biology, Engineering practice and education
Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020
- Phd Materials Engineering (University of Nottingham)
Professional memberships and associations
- ASMR (Australian Medical Society of Medical Research)
- TERMIS (Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine)
- TCES (Tissue and Cell Engineering Society, UK)
- ASBTE (Australian Society of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering)
Course Coordinator for 4th Year Bachelor of Engineering (Medical) subject Biomaterials
I am a passionate science- communicator and recognise enormous value in engaging the general public in my work; particularly students. I am regularly invited to share my “3D printing body parts” and “hospital of the future” vision in the media promoting science to all ages. I have given several high profile presentations and have showcased our research to various health and science ministers and consistently engages with public, schools, government and industry. I hope to promote the potential of biofabrication as a key player in the future of regenerative medicine, into the public’s consciousness. This is especially important when we consider the millions of people suffering tissue loss through trauma, cancer and congenital defects every year; our technology aims to restore functionality to these patients, improving their quality of life. My group’s “hospital of the future” vision sees a 3D printer present in every operating theatre in the world to provide customised, on the spot anatomically precise scaffolds to treat defected tissues. Keynotes and Invited Presentations
2019 | KEYNOTE PRESENTATION | 3D Technologies in Medicine Conference, Melbourne, Directions of Bioprinting 2019 | CONFERENCE COMMITTEE | Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine International Society – AP Chapter and the 7th Asian Biomaterials Congress, Brisbane
2019 | INVITED SPEAKER | ORS Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, Austin Texas
2019 | CONFERENCE CONVENOR | Herston Biofabrication Institute Conference, Brisbane, Building Real World Clinical Impact 2019 | INVITED SPEAKER | Tissue and Cell Engineering Society and UK Society of Biomaterials,
Nottingham United Kingdom
2017 | INVITED SPEAKER | Myriad 2017, Brisbane Women in STEM: Digital Smarts and 3D Printed Hearts 2017 | KEYNOTE PRESENTATION | Tissue and Cell Engineering Society Conference, United Kingdom Biofabrication the Hospital of the Future 2016 | KEYNOTE PRESENTATION |Brisbane City Council Brisbane Innovate, Brisbane Disruptive Technology and the Hospital of the Future 2016 | KEYNOTE PRESENTATION| Flux, Sydney Disruptive Technology and the Hospital of the Future 2016 | KEYNOTE PRESENTATION | Australian Society for Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy, Brisbane
Innovations in 3D printing for medicine
2016 | KEYNOTE PRESENTATION | Australian Defence Force Medical Reserves , Melbourne
3D printing in medicine
2016 | PLENARY DINNER PRESENTATION | Australian Spine Society Conference, Melbourne
Biofabrication in Orthopaedics
2016 | PRESENTATION | American Orthopaedic Research Association Conference, Florida
Biofabrication Innovations in Orthopaedics
2015 | PRESENTATION | Australian Orthopaedic Association Conference, Brisbane
Biofabrication in Orthopaedics
2015 | KEYNOTE SPEAKER | Women in Technology 3D Printing Showcase
A/Prof Woodruff inspired an audience of ~200 women in technology, academic researchers and students by showcasing the possibilities for both 3D printing in medicine and successful careers for women in STEM disciplines.
2015 | PLENARY SPEAKER | UQ Early Career Researcher Forum
3D Printing in Medicine
2015 | KEYNOTE SPEAKER | QUT Office Professionals Network Group event
‘Absolutely Biofabulous’, hosted by QUT VC Prof Peter Coldrake and The Honourable Dame Quentin Bryce AD CVO, A/Prof Mia Woodruff presented her revolutionary Biofabrication research to 120 office professionals
2015 | SPEAKER | Advanced Queensland Forum
3D Printing in Medicine 5 Minute Pitch
2014 | KEYNOTE SPEAKER | Women in Technology 3D Printing Event
3D Printing Revolution for Medical Applications
‘Absolutely Biofabulous’, A/Prof Mia Woodruff was invited to showcase her Biofabrication to a live audience at the annual TEDxQUT event. The YouTube video of the talk has over 1000 views.
2014 | SPEAKER | QLD Health Summer School
Biofabrication: The future of regenerative medicine
2014 | PRESENTATION | Diamantina Health Partners (DHP) Inaugural Forum “Meeting of Minds”
Media Engagement
2019 | NEWS | QUT News | “QUT welcomes funding promise for Herston Biofabrication Institute” A $10M funding commitment to the HBI has been welcomed by QUT Vice-Chancellor Professor Margaret Sheil AO. 2019 | NEWS | QUT News
| “Herston Biofabrication Institute Conference” Burns treatment, virtual reality, fashion & growing new human tissue – Hospitals of the Future conference. 2019 | NEWS | Nine News
| “Herston Biofabrication Institute Conference” The new Herston Biofabrication Institute is nearing completion, guaranteeing to cut costs, waiting times and improve outcomes for everyday Queenslanders. 2019 | ARTICLE | ATSE Applied | ”Boost for printed body parts research” PhD student Naomi Paxton awarded inaugural Ezio Rizzardo Polymer Scholarship. 2019 | ARTICLE | QUT News | “Boost for PhD research into 3D printed solutions for patients in need” PhD student Naomi Paxton awarded inaugural Ezio Rizzardo Polymer Scholarship. 2018 | ARTICLE | Courier Mail | “Scientists and tech professionals were honoured at 2018 Women in Technology Awards in Brisbane” Prof Mia Woodruff and PhD student Naomi Paxton awarded Women in Technology Life Sciences Awards 2018. 2017 | ARTICLE | Campus Travel | “A Blueprint for Revolutionising Bone Regeneration” PhD student Naomi Paxton is awarded the national STEM Travel Grant to support her trip to Imperial College London. 2017 | ARTICLE | Innovation Aus | “Brisbane drive a biomedical lead” Prof Mia Woodruff and her vision for the Hertson Biofabrication institute are leading the drive for Brisbane to become a world-class biomedical research hub. 2016 | NEWS | Channel 7 News | “World first: Aussie infant to be fitted with 3D printed ear”
A/Prof Mia Woodruff discusses her new collaboration with Hear&Say and Advance Queensland.
2016 | NEWS | Channel 10 News | “You heard right”
A/Prof Mia Woodruff discusses her new collaboration with Hear&Say and Advance Queensland.
2016 | NEWS | Sydney Morning Herald | “3D printed ear will help little Maia hear”
A/Prof Mia Woodruff discusses her new collaboration with Hear&Say and Advance Queensland.
2016 | NEWS | ABC News | “3D-printed ears with hearing aids a cheap and easy fit for child patients”
A/Prof Mia Woodruff discusses her new collaboration with Hear&Say and Advance Queensland.
2016 | NEWS | Brisbane Times | “3D Printed ear will help little Maia hear”
A/Prof Mia Woodruff discusses her new collaboration with Hear&Say and Advance Queensland.
2016 | NEWS | The Australian | “Infant to be fitted with 3D printed ear”
A/Prof Mia Woodruff discusses her new collaboration with Hear&Say and Advance Queensland.
2016 | BROCHURE | QUT Promotional Brochure | “A Guide to Postgraduate Study in 2016”
Brochure encouraging international students to undertake postgraduate study at QUT.
2016 | RADIO INTERVIEW | ABC Future Tense program | “Biofabricating Organs”
2016 | RADIO INTERVIEW | ABC ‘Speaking Out’ Podcast Series | “3D Printing in Medicine”
2015 | ONLINE TV ADVERTS | Advance Queensland Advertising | “Imagine a world with 3D printed body tissue”
A/Prof Mia Woodruff’s research was showcased in the QLD Gov’s Advance Queensland advertising campaign.
2015 | ONLINE VIDEO | Federal Minister Wyatt Roy: Innovation Media Release| “#ideasboom – Mia Woodruff”
QUT Biofabrication Research and the future of innovation in Australia with the Federal Minister for Innovation.
2015 | TV PROGRAM | SCOPE S3 E66 | “3D Printing in Medicine”
Aimed at 8-14 year olds, SCOPE’s mission is to “demystify the world of science and technology, and make it relevant, accessible and above all fascinating to a young audience”.
2015 | TV PROGRAM | SCOPE S3 E92 | “3D Printing in Medicine”
As one of the producer’s favourite segments of the year, an update on QUT Biofabrication research was shown.
2014 | TV PROGRAM | SBS2 The Feed | “Biofabrication: 3D Printing Human Parts”
This documentary provides an insight into A/Prof Mia Woodruff’s ground-breaking research..
2014 | NEWS | Channel 10 News | “3D Printed Body Parts”
Showcase from the PA Hospital Foundation Lunch 2014
2014 | NEWS | Channel 10 News | “QUT Biofabrication masters degree launch”
TV Coverage of the launch of the world-first international biofabrication masters degree
2014 | NEWS | Channel 9 News | “QUT Biofabrication masters degree launch”
TV Coverage of the launch of the world-first international biofabrication masters degree
2014 | NEWS | Channel 7 News | “QUT Biofabrication masters degree launch”
TV Coverage of the launch of the world-first international biofabrication masters degree
2014 | NEWS | ABC News | “QUT Biofabrication masters degree launch”
TV Coverage of the launch of the world-first international biofabrication masters degree
2014 | NEWS | ABC News | “Queensland researchers print three-dimensional body parts for implant, clinical trials could begin in 2015”
- Sparks, D., Saifzadeh, S., Savi, F., Dlaska, C., Berner, A., Henkel, J., Reichert, J., Wullschleger, M., Ren, J., Cipitria, A., McGovern, J., Steck, R., Wagels, M., Woodruff, M., Schuetz, M. & Hutmacher, D. (2020). A preclinical large-animal model for the assessment of critical-size load-bearing bone defect reconstruction. Nature Protocols, 15(3), 877–924.
- Cruz, R., Ross, M., Skewes, J., Allenby, M., Powell, S. & Woodruff, M. (2020). An advanced prosthetic manufacturing framework for economic personalised ear prostheses. Scientific Reports, 10(1).
- Paxton, N., Lanaro, M., Bo, A., Crooks, N., Ross, M., Green, N., Tetsworth, K., Allenby, M., Gu, Y., Wong, C., Powell, S. & Woodruff, M. (2020). Design tools for patient specific and highly controlled melt electrowritten scaffolds. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 105.
- Poh, S., Hutmacher, D., Holzapfel, B., Solanki, A., Stevens, M. & Woodruff, M. (2016). In vitro and in vivo bone formation potential of surface calcium phosphate-coated polycaprolactone and polycaprolactone/bioactive glass composite scaffolds. Acta Biomaterialia, 30, 319–333.
- Ren, J., Blackwood, K., Doustgani, A., Poh, S., Steck, R., Stevens, M. & Woodruff, M. (2014). Melt-electrospun polycaprolactone-strontium substituted bioactive glass scaffolds for bone regeneration. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A, 102(9), 3140–3153.
- Poh, S., Hutmacher, D., Stevens, M. & Woodruff, M. (2013). Fabrication and in vitro characterization of bioactive glass composite scaffolds for bone regeneration. Biofabrication, 5(4), 1–12.
- Woodruff, M., Lange, C., Chen, F., Fratzl, P. & Hutmacher, D. (2013). Nano- to macroscale remodeling of functional tissue-engineered bone. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2(4), 546–551.
- Woodruff, M., Lange, C., Reichert, J., Berner, A., Chen, F., Fratzl, P., Schantz, J. & Hutmacher, D. (2012). Bone tissue engineering: from bench to bedside - Review article. Materials Today, 15(10), 430–435.
- Bock, N., Dargaville, T. & Woodruff, M. (2012). Electrospraying of polymers with therapeutic molecules: State of the art. Progress in Polymer Science, 37(11), 1510–1551.
- Woodruff, M. & Hutmacher, D. (2010). The return of a forgotten polymer - polycaprolactone in the 21st century. Progress in Polymer Science, 35(10), 1217–1256.
QUT ePrints
For more publications by Mia, explore their research in QUT ePrints (our digital repository).
Selected research projects
- Title
- Optimising Bone Regeneration using Advanced Design and Fabrication Technologies
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- 1139515
- Start year
- 2018
- Keywords
- Bone architecture; Bone defects; Bone loss; Orthopaedic; Bone formation
- Title
- ARC Training Centre in Additive Biomanufacturing
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- IC160100026
- Start year
- 2017
- Keywords
- Title
- A novel electrospraying technology platform for controlled and targeted growth factor delivery
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- LP130100945
- Start year
- 2014
- Keywords
- BMP; tissue engineering; bone
- Title
- Bioactive and biodegradable scaffold and novel graft source for the repair of large segmental bone defects
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- 1055575
- Start year
- 2013
- Keywords
- Title
- Smart Matrix approaches towards neo vascularisation in bone repair
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- LP130100461
- Start year
- 2013
- Keywords
- Scaffold; Bone; Tissue Engineering
- Title
- The development of new scaffolds for bone repair comprising polycaprolactone and strontium-substituted bioactive glasses
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- LP110200082
- Start year
- 2012
- Keywords
- Scaffold; Tissue Engineering; Bone; Regenerative Medicine
- Title
- Bone Tissue Engineering using Innovative Tubular Dual-layered Nanofiber Meshes
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- LP100200084
- Start year
- 2011
- Keywords
- Regenerative Medicine; Scaffolds; Tissue Engineering
- Title
- Design And Fabrication Of An Engineered Bone Graft System (EBGS) By Combining A Composite Scaffold And Growth Factor Delivery System
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- DP0989000
- Start year
- 2009
- Keywords
- regenerative medicine; bone grafts; growth factor delivery; tissue engineeering; scaffolds
Projects listed above are funded by Australian Competitive Grants. Projects funded from other sources are not listed due to confidentiality agreements.
Current supervisions
- Economic biofabrication technologies for rapid patient-specific treatment of craniofacial conditions
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Dr Sean Powell - Advanced manufacturing solutions to create personalised offloading treatment for people with diabetes-related foot ulceration
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Dr David Forrestal
Completed supervisions (Doctorate)
- Flow Control in Perfusion Bioreactors for Improved Cell Culture within Porous Tissue Scaffolds (2019)
- The Interaction Between Left Ventricular Assist Devices and Intraventricular Flow: An in silico Evaluation (2019)
- A Bench to Bedside Approach Towards the Prevention of Antiresorptive Drug-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ARONJ) (2018)
- Development of Melt Electrospun Composite Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration (2017)
- Design and Characterisation of Scaffolds for Osteochondral Regeneration (2015)
- Delivery of Therapeutic Molecules Using Electrosprayed Polymeric Particles for Applications in Tissue Engineering (2014)
- In Vitro and In Vivo Assessment of Bioactive Composite Scaffolds Fabricated via Additive Manufacturing Technology (2014)
Completed supervisions (Masters by Research)
Supervision topics
The supervisions listed above are only a selection.