Professor Mia Woodruff

Profile image of Professor Mia Woodruff

Faculty of Engineering,
School of Mech., Medical & Process Engineering

Personal details


Faculty of Engineering,
School of Mech., Medical & Process Engineering

Research field

Biomedical engineering, Biochemistry and cell biology, Engineering practice and education

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Phd Materials Engineering (University of Nottingham)

Professional memberships and associations

  • ASMR (Australian Medical Society of Medical Research)
  • TERMIS (Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine)
  • TCES (Tissue and Cell Engineering Society, UK)
  • ASBTE (Australian Society of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering)


Course Coordinator for 4th Year Bachelor of Engineering (Medical) subject Biomaterials



QUT ePrints

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Selected research projects

Projects listed above are funded by Australian Competitive Grants. Projects funded from other sources are not listed due to confidentiality agreements.


Current supervisions

  • Clinical Applications of 3D printing in Urological Surgery
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Mark Allenby
  • Economic biofabrication technologies for rapid patient-specific treatment of craniofacial conditions
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Sean Powell
  • Advanced manufacturing solutions to create personalised offloading treatment for people with diabetes-related foot ulceration
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr David Forrestal