Associate Professor
Michael Gabbett

Faculty of Health,
School of Clinical Medicine
Michael is a clinical geneticist and QUT academic. He is a foundational member of QUT's School of Clinical Medicine and teaches into the School of Biomedical Sciences' degrees in diagnostic genomics.After training in paediatric medicine in Brisbane, Michael moved to Sydney where he worked at The Children’s Hospital Westmead and Sydney Children’s Hospital. He returned to Brisbane to undertake a fellowship at the University of Queensland’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience studying laminin expression before taking up a staff specialist position at Genetic Health Queensland, where he worked for over a decade. Queensland University of Technology retained Michael as inaugural Course Co-ordinator of their degrees in diagnostic genomics.
Michael is a Past President of the Australasian Association of Clinical Geneticists and has served on the Council Executive of the Human Genetics Society of Australasia as Treasurer. He is a well-regarded educator, having taught genetics to junior doctors, general practitioners, genetic counsellors, and nurses. For the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Michael served on the Advanced Training Committee in Clinical Genetics for over ten years and on the Curriculum Advisory Group for the College for eight.
Michael has published extensively on the clinical features and molecular causes of rare genetic conditions, in particular Temple Baraitser syndrome, and helped define the molecular basis of sesquizygotic (semi-identical) twinning in humans.
Personal details
- Associate Professor
Faculty of Health,
School of Clinical Medicine
Clinical genomics, Diagnostic genomics, Genetic counselling, Ethics, Education
Research field
Genetics, Clinical sciences, Paediatrics
Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020
- MHM (University of New South Wales)
- MMedSc(ClinEpid) (University of New South Wales)
- MBBS (University of Queensland)
Professional memberships and associations
- Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians
- Associate Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators
- Member and Former Councillor and Treasurer, Human Genetics Society of Australasia
- Member and Past President, Australasian Association of Clinical Geneticists
- Member, Genomics Education Network of Australasia
- Member, Asia-Pacific Society of Human Genetics
- Member, American Society of Human Genetics
- Member, European Society of Human Genetics
Michael has a career in education and teaching spanning more than two decades. He currently teaches into QUT's Master of Diagnostic Genomics. Previously, he was instrumental in the redesign and delivery of Griffith University's Master of Genetic Counselling. Michael is active in the sphere of professional education of paediatricians and physicians. He sat on the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) Curriculum Advisory Group and was a member of the RACP Advanced training Committee in Clinical Genetics for over 10 years. Michael held the position of RACP Regional Examiner at the Royal Children's Hospital, Brisbane until the hospital's closure in 2014. Michael was the lead author of the Human Genetic Society of Australasia's "Core Capabilities in Genomics for Medical Graduates".
A/Prof Michael Gabbett runs his own private medical practice, Mendel Genetics, and is a clinical advisor to Genomics for Life.
- Gabbett, M., Jeavons, C. & Gray, P. (2020). Severe hypertension-An infantile feature of Jansen metaphyseal chondrodysplasia? American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A, 182(4), 768–772.
- Gabbett, M., Laporte, J., Sekar, R., Nandini, A., McGrath, P., Sapkota, Y., Jiang, P., Zhang, H., Burgess, T., Montgomery, G., Chiu, R. & Fisk, N. (2019). Molecular support for heterogonesis resulting in sesquizygotic twinning. New England Journal of Medicine, 380(9), 842–849.
- Newson, A., Ayres, S., Boyle, J., Gabbett, M. & Nisselle, A. (2018). Human Genetics Society of Australasia Position Statement: Genetic testing and personal insurance products in Australia. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 21(6), 533–537.
- Simons, C., Rash, L., Crawford, J., Ma, L., Cristofori-Armstrong, B., Miller, D., Ru, K., Baillie, G., Alanay, Y., Jacquinet, A., Debray, F., Verloes, A., Shen, J., Yesil, G., Guler, S., Yuksel, A., Cleary, J., Grimmond, S., McGaughran, J., King, G., Gabbett, M. & Taft, R. (2015). Mutations in the voltage-gated potassium channel gene KCNH1 cause Temple-Baraitser syndrome and epilepsy. Nature Genetics, 47(1), 73–77.
- Delatycki, M., Burke, J., Christie, L., Collins, F., Gabbett, M., George, P., Haan, E., Ioannou, L., Martin, N., McKenzie, F., O'Leary, P., Scoble-Williams, N., Turner, G. & Massie, J. (2014). Human Genetics Society of Australasia position statement: Population-based carrier screening for cystic fibrosis. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 17(6), 578–583.
- Baas, A., Gabbett, M., Rimac, M., Kansikas, M., Raphael, M., Nievelstein, R., Nicholls, W., Offerhaus, J., Bodmer, D., Wernstedt, A., Krabichler, B., Strasser, U., Nyström, M., Zschocke, J., Robertson, S., Van Haelst, M. & Wimmer, K. (2013). Agenesis of the corpus callosum and gray matter heterotopia in three patients with constitutional mismatch repair deficiency syndrome. European Journal of Human Genetics, 21(1), 55–61.
- Gabbett, M., (2012). The oculoauriculovertebral spectrum: Refining the estimate of birth prevalence. Journal of Pediatric Genetics, 1(2), 71–77.
- Gabbett, M., (2010). Future developments in newborn dried bloodspot screening. In C. Driscoll & B. McPherson (Eds.), Newborn Screening Systems: The Complete Perspective (pp. 157–163). Plural Publishing, Inc. .
- Johnston, J., Sapp, J., Turner, J., Amor, D., Aftimos, S., Aleck, K., Bocian, M., Bodurtha, J., Cox, G., Curry, C., Day, R., Donnai, D., Field, M., Fujiwara, I., Gabbett, M., Gal, M., Graham, J., Hedera, P., Hennekam, R., Hersh, J., Hopkin, R., Kayserili, H., Kidd, A., Kimonis, V., Lin, A., Lynch, S., Maisenbacher, M., Mansour, S., Mcgaughran, J., Mehta, L., Murphy, H., Raygada, M., Robin, N., Rope, A., Rosenbaum, K., Schaefer, G., Shealy, A., Smith, W., Soller, M., Sommer, A., Stalker, H., Steiner, B., Stephan, M., Tilstra, D., Tomkins, S., Trapane, P., Tsai, A., Van Allen, M., Vasudevan, P., Zabel, B., Zunich, J., Black, G. & Biesecker, L. (2010). Molecular analysis expands the spectrum of phenotypes associated with GLI3 mutations. Human Mutation, 31(10), 1142–1154.
- Jacquinet, A., Gérard, M., Gabbett, M., Rausin, L., Misson, J., Menten, B., Mortier, G., Van Maldergem, L., Verloes, A. & Debray, F. (2010). Temple-Baraitser syndrome: A rare and possibly unrecognized condition. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A, 152A(9), 2322–2326.
QUT ePrints
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- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2023
- Details
- Service Excellence Award - for outstanding service to the Human Genetics Society of Australasia and significant contribution in the field of human genetics
- Type
- Advisor/Consultant for Industry
- Reference year
- 2023
- Details
- Clinical advisor
- Type
- Reviewer for an Academic Journal
- Reference year
- 2020
- Details
- Invited reviewer for:European Journal of Medical Genetics; The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health; Clinical and Experimental Dermatology; Open Access Journal of Clinical Trials; Neonatology; Journal of Paediartic Dentistry; Clinical Genetics; Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders - Drug Targets
- Type
- Committee Role/Editor or Chair of an Academic Conference
- Reference year
- 2017
- Details
- "Lead Fellow" - Chair of the Scientific Programme and Organising Committee of RACP Congress for the 2015 to the 2017 meetings.
- Type
- Membership of Learned Societies
- Reference year
- 2013
- Details
- Member 2003-current