Associate Professor
Michael Gabbett

Profile image of Associate Professor Michael Gabbett

Faculty of Health,
School of Clinical Medicine

Personal details


Associate Professor
Faculty of Health,
School of Clinical Medicine


Clinical genomics, Diagnostic genomics, Genetic counselling, Ethics, Education

Research field

Genetics, Clinical sciences, Paediatrics

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • MHM (University of New South Wales)
  • MMedSc(ClinEpid) (University of New South Wales)
  • MBBS (University of Queensland)


Michael has a career in education and teaching spanning more than two decades. He currently  teaches into QUT's Master of Diagnostic Genomics. Previously, he was instrumental in the redesign and delivery of Griffith University's Master of Genetic Counselling. Michael is active in the sphere of professional education of paediatricians and physicians. He sat on the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) Curriculum Advisory Group and was a member of the RACP Advanced training Committee in Clinical Genetics for over 10 years. Michael held the position of RACP Regional Examiner at the Royal Children's Hospital, Brisbane until the hospital's closure in 2014. Michael was the lead author of the Human Genetic Society of Australasia's "Core Capabilities in Genomics for Medical Graduates".



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