Professor Michael Milford

Profile image of Professor Michael Milford

Faculty of Engineering,
School of Electrical Engineering & Robotics

Personal details


Professor in Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering,
School of Electrical Engineering & Robotics


Robotics, Mapping, Navigation, Localization, Computational Neuroscience, RatSLAM, SeqSLAM, Hippocampus, Entorhinal Cortex

Research field

Artificial intelligence, Neurosciences

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (University of Queensland)

Professional memberships and associations

IEEE Senior Member, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Member, Australian Robotics and Automation Association Member. For more information please see my Google Scholar page:


Undergraduate Class Teaching From 2011 - 2015 I taught ENB339 Introduction to Robotics in Semester 2 each year. In it we learnt:

  • Robot construction, build a robot using Lego and the NXT controller brick
  • Fundamentals of robotics, how to control the end point of a simple robot arm and make it follow a path
  • Computer vision, how to interpret images to figure the size, shape and color of objects in the scene
  • Connect computer vision to robotics, make your robot move to objects of specific size, shape and color.

Undergraduate Project/Thesis Supervision I supervise a number of undergraduate final year project and Vacation Research Experience (VRES) students each year, who work on research projects ranging from autonomous vehicles to visual place recognition to biologically-inspired neural networks to human-robot interaction. Videos My academic YouTube channel Milfordrobotics has dozens of lectures, tutorials, and practical videos about robotics, with over a million views in total. Teaching-related Grants and Funding Awards

Educational Entrepreneurialism I am now focusing my teaching activities on my educational startup Math Thrills Pty Ltd, with investment and funding support from QUT Bluebox, the AMP Foundation, The Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering and the Australian Institute of Policy & Science: AIPS. Math Thrills hijacks the book, movie and game entertainment students love to consume every day to excite and engage them in mathematical learning. It’s easy and fun to uselinked to curriculum and engages different types of learners through multiple learning modalities including fiction, online animations, blockbuster entertainment and workshops. Developed over 5 years and in school trials since early 2015, Math Thrills has been continually improved and expanded based directly on feedback from hundreds of students and teachers. Winner of multiple state and national awards including being a finalist at the 2018 Reimagine Education awards in San Francisco, the new and much improved Math Thrills program is now available for schools and students.



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