Mrs Michelle Carter

Profile image of Mrs Michelle Carter

Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
Office of the Deputy Dean

Personal details


Sessional Academic (2024)
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
Office of the Deputy Dean

Research field

Performing arts

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • MA (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Southern Cross University)


My aim for my students is to develop them both professionally and personally. I would like my students to be brave, innovative and adaptable creative practitioners. Throughout my career I have witnessed learners who have achieved these goals through practical experiences that have been both rewarding and challenging. Experiencing the highs of success and lows of failure gives the students depth to their understanding. Making the most of these experiences comes from sharing with others in the class community. I believe that learners need to be a part of a class community to feel they belong in the class room. This community is critical for creative industries students, as it replicates the real world in which they will one day work. This community, like any other community should be made of a diversity of members that provide support and multiple perspectives throughout the learning journey. The class room should be a safe and supportive space where students are free to express themselves, engage with experimentation and where they can challenge the current discourse. Students must feel supported enough to be able to take risks in this environment and feel both success and failure. Learners need to take part in experiences on which they can reflect to truly understand how that experience has changed them. These experiences will develop the student’s resilience and agility. I believe these are two important traits for creative practitioners and are true signs of transformation in learners.



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