Dr Nicolas Hart

Profile image of Dr Nicolas Hart

Faculty of Health,
School of Nursing

Personal details


Clinical Fellow
Faculty of Health,
School of Nursing


Cancer, Oncology, Haematology, Exercise, Physical Activity, Nutrition, Medicine, Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, Bone Metastases

Research field

Nursing, Oncology and carcinogenesis, Sports science and exercise

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Doctor in Philosophy (Edith Cowan University)

Professional memberships and associations

Academic Positions:

  • Deputy Lead (Cancer Survivorship Program): QUT
  • Senior Research Fellow (Cancer Survivorship): QUT
  • Adjunct Research Fellow: ECU / UNDA

Editorial Positions:


  • Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC)
  • Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA)
  • Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA)
  • American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
  • American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
  • Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ)
  • Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society (ANZBMS)
  • National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
  • Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (ASCA)


  • World Health Organisation, Cancer Rehabilitation -  (WHO)
  • Global Survivorship Research in Prostate Cancer (SuRECaP)
  • Queensland Collaborative for Cancer Survivorship (QCCS)
  • NHMRC CRE in Prostate Cancer Survivorship (CRE-PCS)
  • Primary Care Collaborative Cancer Clinical Trials Group (PC4)
  • Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer (ANZUP)
  • Australian Centre for Research into Injury in Sport and its Prevention (ACRISP)
  • Western Australian Bone Research Collaboration (WABRC)


  • Chair of Exercise Oncology  (MASCC)
  • Survivorship Executive Committee (COSA)
  • Scientific Committee (PC4)
  • Publications Committee (ESSA)
  • Professional Development Review Committee (ESSA)
  • National Editorial Committee (ANZBMS)
  • Early Career Investigator Committee (ANZBMS)
  • Steering Committee (INTERVAL-GAP4): Movember


Dr Nicolas Hart is a research fellow, however the below represents his previous teaching experience for postgraduate and undergraduate courses, extension courses, and external courses, additional to his research career.

Guest Lectures

  • 2019: Exercise for the management of cancer (Extension School): Harvard University.
  • 2019: Physiological Consequences of Cancer (EXS6410) - Edith Cowan University.

External Courses

  • 2015 -  Curr: Exercise for metastatic prostate cancer survivors: INTERVAL-GAP4. Movember Foundation.
  • 2015 - 2020: Exercise in the management of cancer - LifeNow. Cancer Council Western Australia.
  • 2015 - 2020: Exercise medicine for prostate cancer: TrueNTH. Movember Foundation.
  • 2016 - 2017: Exercise medicine for cancer survivors: National Roadshow. Exercise and Sport Science Australia.

    • Courses facilitated in: Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Hobart and Adelaide.

Postgraduate Coursework

  • 2013 - 2014: Advanced Resistance Training (SPS6103) - Edith Cowan University.
  • 2013 - 2014: Applied Biomechanics (SPS4110) - Edith Cowan University.

Undergraduate Coursework

  • 2010 - 2014: Human Anatomy (EBH1101) - Edith Cowan University.
  • 2011 - 2014: Exercise Rehabilitation (SPS2103) - Edith Cowan University.


QUT ePrints

For more publications by Nicolas, explore their research in QUT ePrints (our digital repository).

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A complete list of publications is available at: https://www.qut.edu.au/about/our-people/academic-profiles/nicolas.hart


Selected research projects

Projects listed above are funded by Australian Competitive Grants. Projects funded from other sources are not listed due to confidentiality agreements.
