Dr Oliver Neubauer

Profile image of Dr Oliver Neubauer

Faculty of Health,
School of Biomedical Sciences

Personal details


Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Health,
School of Biomedical Sciences


Applied Physiology, Integrative Physiology, Human Physiology, Translational Physiology, Nutrition, Exercise, Lifestyle Interventions, Humans, Promote or restore Health and Physiological Function, Skeletal Muscle, Muscle-tissue Crosstalk, Muscle-immune Interactions, Immune System, Inflammation, Vascular Inflammation, Recovery from Exercise, Healthy Aging, Phytochemicals, Antioxidants, Dietary Nitrate, Beetroot Juice, Exercise Factors, Cancer-inhibitory Serum Factors, Systems Biology, Transcriptomics, Gene Networks

Research field

Zoology, Nutrition and dietetics, Sports science and exercise

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Doctor in Natural Sciences (University of Vienna)


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