Dr Qianqian Yang

Profile image of Dr Qianqian Yang

Faculty of Science,
School of Mathematical Sciences

Personal details


Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Science,
School of Mathematical Sciences


anomalous diffusion models, fractional order PDEs, mathematical models for diffusion MRI (dMRI), numerical methods and analysis

Research field

Applied mathematics, Numerical and computational mathematics

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (Queensland University of Technology)
  • MBus(Research) (Queensland University of Technology)
  • BSc (Xiamen University)

Professional memberships and associations

Member of the Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS)

Member of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)


MXB103 - Introductory Computational Mathematics

  • Numerical methods for ODEs
  • Interpolations
  • Roots of nonlinear functions
  • Numerical differentiation and integration
  • Linear systems

MXB226 - Computational Methods 1

  • Direct methods for linear systems
  • Data structures and algorithms for structured linear systems
  • Norms
  • Iterative methods for linear systems
  • Iterative methods for the eigenvalue problem
  • Finite difference methods for models of heat diffusion in two dimensions

EGH421 -  Vibration and Control (Math content)

2019 AMSI Winter School Course (postgraduate level)


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Projects listed above are funded by Australian Competitive Grants. Projects funded from other sources are not listed due to confidentiality agreements.


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