Associate Professor
Ross Brown

Profile image of Associate Professor Ross Brown

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Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Data Visualisation, Process Visualisation, Information Visualisation, Computer Graphics, Games Technology

Research field

Artificial intelligence, Other information and computing sciences

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (Queensland University of Technology)


Teaching: 2021 IGB181 Game Production and Technology

IGB283 Game Engine Theory and Application

IGB388 Design and Development of Immersive Environments

IFB398 Capstone Project (Phase 1) 2020 IFN692 Interaction Design for Emerging Technologies IGB301 Games Capstone Project (Game Development) 2019 IGB301 Games Capstone Project (Game Development) IGB381 Game Engine Technology 2018 IGB301 Games Capstone Project (Game Development) IGB381 Game Engine Technology


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