Adjunct Professor
Rebekah Russell-Bennett

This person does not currently hold a position at QUT.
Personal details
social marketing, behaviour change, service design, consumer behaviour, health services, energy consumers, behavioural economics
Research field
Marketing, Public health
Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020
- Doctor of Philosophy, Management (University of Queensland)
Professional memberships and associations
- Australian Marketing Institute
- Australian Association of Social Marketing
- Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy
- American Marketing Association Services Special Interest Group (SERVSIG)
2014 Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning, Federal Government Office of Learning and Teaching
Award received for stimulating marketing students' active learning using role-play simulations and for building relationships between alumni, industry and current students to bridge the theory-practice gap (QUTopia).
2018 QUT Vice-Chancellor Excellence Award for teaching
Teaching interests
- Innovation and designing new goods and services
- Social marketing
- Consumer behaviour
- Marketing management
Rebekah developed the two marketing innovation units at QUT (AMN443 and AMB251) using design-thinking and developed a unique gamified student engagement program for AMB251 called EduPrize. Rebekah was responsible for inventing QUTopia, a role-playing simulation for marketing students in the QUT Business School. his simulation was set in a fictitious town in Queensland called QUTopia and was embedded in a core unit in the marketing major. This simulation ran for 17 years as part of AMB240/AMB140. Rebekah's efforts were recognised at the highest level in Australia by the Australian Awards for University Teaching. A notable outcome of QUTopia is that student teams from AMB240 won the Australian Marketing Institute Annual Student Marketing Plan Competition, twice in three years.
Rebekah has also taught Research Theory for the Faculty of Business research students to assist the development of a research topic, literature review, identification of theory gaps and development of research questions. As part of this course, Rebekah has developed a workshop on Reverse-Engineering a Journal Article' to assist in the successful publication of research. This workshop is a sought-after presentation by Universities in Australia and Internationally.
- Russell-Bennett, R., Bull, M., Kelly, N., Zhang, J., Parkinson, J., Letheren, K., McAndrew, R., Chell, K., Badejo, F., Bowring, N., Ong, S., Greentree, J., Zimbatu, A., Carden, T. & Sketcher, N. (2021). QUT's Women's Butterfly Project - Final Report for the Department of Housing.
- Whittaker, L., Russell-Bennett, R. & Mulcahy, R. (2021). Reward-based or meaningful gaming? A field study on game mechanics and serious games for sustainability. Psychology and Marketing, 38(6), 981–1000.
- Russell-Bennett, R., Raciti, M., Letheren, K. & Drennan, J. (2022). Empowering low-socioeconomic status parents to support their children in participating in tertiary education: Co-created digital resources for diverse parent personas. Higher Education Research and Development, 41(2), 527–545.
- Glavas, C., Mathews, S. & Russell-Bennett, R. (2019). Knowledge acquisition via internet-enabled platforms: Examining incrementally and non-incrementally internationalizing SMEs. International Marketing Review, 36(1), 74–107.
- French, J. & Russell-Bennett, R. (2015). A hierarchical model of social marketing. Journal of Social Marketing, 5(2), 139–159.
- Gallegos, D., Russell-Bennett, R., Previte, J. & Parkinson, J. (2014). Can a text message a week improve breastfeeding? BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 14, 1–11.
- Zainuddin, N., Russell-Bennett, R. & Previte, J. (2013). The value of health and wellbeing: an empirical model of value creation in social marketing. European Journal of Marketing, 47(9), 1504–1524.
- Fisk, R., Grove, S., Harris, L., Keeffe, D., Daunt, K., Russell-Bennett, R. & Wirtz, J. (2010). Customers behaving badly: A state of the art review, research agenda and implications for practitioners. Journal of Services Marketing, 24(6), 417–429.
- Russell-Bennett, R., Mccoll-Kennedy, J. & Coote, L. (2007). Involvement, Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty in a Small Business Services Setting. Journal of Business Research, 60(12), 1253–1260.
- Bennett, R., Hartel, C. & Mccoll-Kennedy, J. (2005). Experience as a moderator of involvement and satisfaction on brand loyalty in a business-to-business setting. Industrial Marketing Management, 34(1), 97–107.
QUT ePrints
For more publications by Rebekah, explore their research in QUT ePrints (our digital repository).
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2021
- Details
- Best Paper Award - Social Marketing Track for "Re-imagining issue framing: The Women¿s Butterfly Project"
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2021
- Details
- Robert Johnson Best Paper Award for "The transformative service paradox: The dilemma of wellbeing trade-offs"
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2019
- Details
- 2019 Top Researcher in Field of Marketing (most citations in top 20 discipline journals)
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2019
- Details
- Best Research Paper Award for "Hug, Nudge, Smack or Shove: How do consumers react to a social dilemma?"
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2018
- Details
- QUT Vice-Chancellors Excellence Award for Teaching
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2016
- Details
- Winner Best Academic Paper Award for "Can a digital approach change low-income energy saving behaviours?"
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2016
- Details
- National award winner - mobile category for Reduce Your Juice
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2015
- Details
- Winner - QUT Business School Teaching and Learning Innovation Challenge
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2015
- Details
- QUT Vice-Chancellor Performance Award - Research
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2014
- Details
- 2014 National Citation Award for Innovation in Teaching
Selected research projects
- Title
- ARC Training Centre for Cell and Tissue Engineering Technologies
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- IC190100026
- Start year
- 2019
- Keywords
- Title
- Advancing Prevention Science: Application of Social Marketing to Change the Drinking Culture of Young Australians
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- LP130100345
- Start year
- 2013
- Keywords
- Social Marketing; Alcohol; Adolescents
Projects listed above are funded by Australian Competitive Grants. Projects funded from other sources are not listed due to confidentiality agreements.
Current supervisions
- The effectiveness of marketing communication for minimising resistance to cosmetic biomedical innovation: the imagined customer experience
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Associate Professor Laura Bray - The Engaged Parent: The role of marketing communication and impact of rhetoric in improving low SES parental engagement in public education services
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Associate Professor Anne Lane - Copresent Service Robots in High Contact Services
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Associate Professor Frank Mathmann
Completed supervisions (Doctorate)
- Giving and sharing: The predictors and outcomes of online donor appreciation (2016)
- A Game of Balance and Disguise: Examining Experiential Value and Game Attributes in Social Marketing M-Games (2015)
- Friendship group motives for alcohol consumption: A midstream social marketing approach (2015)
- A new approach to social product decision-making: Heart and mind The influence of experience and emotions on family decision-making for sustained use of social products (2013)
- Value Co-Creation in Social Marketing Wellness Services (2011)
- Consumer Misbehaviour during Professional Service Encounters (2010)
- Consumption of Mobile Devices: Exploring the Impact of Experiental Value and Emotions of Consumer Actions (2007)
Completed supervisions (Masters by Research)
- Back on the Market: Understanding Heterosexual Mature Adult Protective Sexual Behaviours (2020)
- The Co-Creative Classroom: Does Value Co-Creation Inhibit or Facilitate Customer Engagement in Low Socioeconomic Education Services? (2020)
- Men's Help-Seeking Behaviours in Preventative Health: The Role of Masculine Identities (2018)
Supervision topics
The supervisions listed above are only a selection.