Professor Richard Brown

Profile image of Professor Richard Brown

Faculty of Engineering,
School of Mech., Medical & Process Engineering

Personal details


Faculty of Engineering,
School of Mech., Medical & Process Engineering


fluid mechanics, internal combustion engines, thermodynamics, turbulence, environmental fluid mechanics

Research field

Other engineering, Environmental engineering, Mechanical engineering

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (University of Sydney)
  • BTh (Sydney College of Divinity)

Professional memberships and associations

  • Co-Chair, 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Brisbane, December, 2020
  • Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society (AFMS) (2000 – Present)
  • The Combustion Institute (Australia and New Zealand Section) (2006 – Present)
  • Member, Institution of Engineers, Australia (1996 - Present)
  • National Board Member, Environmental Engineering Society, IEAust (2003 - 2005)
  • Committee Member (Queensland), Environmental Engineering Society, IEAust (2000 - 2009)
  • Member, Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand (1993 - 2003)
  • Member, Environmental Engineering Society, IEAust
  • Technical Panel Chair and Editor for Conference Proceedings (over 60 papers): “IEAust National Environment Conference”,Brisbane (18-20 June, 2003)
  • Technical Panel Chair and Editor for Conference Proceedings (over 100 papers): “4th Environmental Engineering Society Conference” (Brisbane, 22-23 May, 2002)


Course coordination, unit teaching and coordination Professor Brown coordinates 34 units and course coordination of the Master of Engineering Management (2005) since commencing at QUT. He was also a regular examiner and curriculum reviewer for QUT/Crossfields off-shore teaching in Asia (Bachelor of Engineering Management). He has supervised (to successful completion) more than 100 Engineering students for their final year projects (July 2001 - February 2017). Teaching development Professor Richard Brown actively leads teaching collaborations to explore effective teaching and learning and share these developments with the wider University teaching community as demonstrated below:

  • 2008: Poster for the QUT Teaching & Learning Expo - Online interactive tutorials to support on- and off- campus learning for ENB222 Thermodynamics
  • 2004: Paper at QUT online learning & teaching conference - Presented paper on development of an e-learning environment to enhance student learning in
  • 2003: Paper at the A2E2 Conference (with Mr Graham Dawson, QUT Engineering Librarian with whom I closely collaborate) on improvements to student information literacy, peer coaching and technical reporting skills to the university teaching community
  • 2001: Paper at the Australian Association of Engineering Education Conference (A2E2) on the use of peer tutoring in Thermodynamics. This compared student cohorts at the University of Sydney and QUT and evaluated and compared the use of peer tutoring in technical and humanities environments.

Teaching innovation Professor Richard Brown's experiential/discovery/real world approach to teaching and learning in engineering has been shaped by his professional engineering experience, comprising five years with NSW Railways, community development work overseas, experimentally-based postgraduate study and subsequent professional research. He values connecting practical engineering to theoretical understanding and take students to industrial/ engineering sites whenever relevant/possible. Significant student numbers and limited resources have led Professor Brown to develop interactive web-based tutorials and literacy and information literacy resources, specifically:

  • 2006: initiated a collaboration with the Queensland Maritime Museum to enable Thermodynamics students to undertake a practical laboratory at the museum.
  • Online interactive laboratory preparation tutorial developed in conjunction with a final year undergraduate project student. This tutorial contains highly interactive material to prepare students for the Diesel Engine Practical in the Thermodynamics Laboratory. It includes an integrated, summative assessment tool (quiz) which the students must complete before attending the laboratory.



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