Dr Richard Medland

Profile image of Dr Richard Medland

Academic Division,
Education Portfolio,
Student Success and Teaching Advancement

Personal details


Senior STEM Educator
Academic Division,
Education Portfolio,
Student Success and Teaching Advancement


Student Success, STIMulate, Urban Informatics, Support for Learning, SEEbox, Learning and Teaching, Human Computer Interaction, Energy Demand Management, Pro-environmental Behaviour, Developing Nations

Research field

Other Education, Other information and computing sciences

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Graduate Certificate in Research Commercialisation (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Bachelor of Information Technology (Emerging Technologies) (Queensland University of Technology)

Professional memberships and associations

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Coordinator STARS National STEM Network.


Learning Support Coordinator, Chancellery, Queensland University of Technology

Coordination of a highly-successful university wide support for learning program stream, normalising help seeking for all visiting students. Development, training and mentoring of a cohort of volunteers over successive targeted recruitments. Creation of a flourishing student-led and sustainable stream culture which supports social justice and realises gender balance.

Management of an associated academic team, supporting and enabling professional growth and delivering academic opportunities. Strategic investment of competitive funding towards programs of research and authentic student learning opportunities. Active leadership of IT projects focused on program improvement and delivering outcomes with demonstrable and sustained impact to service quality.

Lecturer, Information Systems School, Queensland University of Technology

Consistent coordination of large core units (more than 500 students) within undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Management of a transient and sessional academic team with varying levels of experience and expertise. Strategic development of unit direction and content course fit, as well as the operational and administrative elements associated with budgeting, appointments, training, moderation, corporate systems integration and performance metrics. Development and realisation of a program of study for students undertaking weekly workshops in collaborative learning spaces with a focus on activity based learning and reinforcing core discipline and citizenship knowledge.

Director Learning and Teaching (Operations), Information Systems School, Queensland University of Technology

Exposure to the complexity faced by academics delivering a range of teaching activities at a School level, faculty and whole of course level. Membership to the Course Management Group (IT) with responsibility to address at risk units and operate as a conduit for learning and teaching activities by providing support across the Information Systems School. Development and delivery of proactive teaching strategies addressing administrative overhead as well as corporate systems and learning management systems integration.

First year Coordinator, Bachelor Information Technology, Queensland University of Technology

Carriage of a range of student-staff liaison activities as well as strategic efforts to improve student retention and share better practice among academics delivering core unit experiences to first year BIT students. A focus on alleviating cross-unit assessment overlap, as well as repetitious content between units. A deep understanding of the student experience and appreciation of the challenges and pitfalls navigating tertiary education presents as well as the relation to progression and attrition.

Program Lead (2016-2017), Visiting Academic (2014-2015), QUT-Jinling Institute of Technology transnational education program

As a visiting academic I was responsible for developing, delivering and grading a condensed and equivalent version of our onshore unit materials. Implementation of additional support and scaffolding associated with an IELTS (4.5-5.5) banded students from regional and metropolitan Chinese backgrounds.

As program lead I undertook a complete revision of our staffing structure, governance and teaching methods, addressing serious gaps in service delivery, student progression, conversion rates, and significantly reduced QUT exposure to risks associated with operating a transnational education program. The program is now financially viable and converts sustainable student numbers each year.

Sessional Lecturer, International College, Queensland University of Technology

Coordination of all unit related tasks including administration, content development, delivery and grading. Implementation of additional support and content scaffolding associated with IELTS (5.5-6.5) banded students from diverse and international backgrounds.

Lead tutor, Information Systems School, Queensland University of Technology

Coordination of unit related administrative tasks and assistance to unit coordinator across a range of activities including moderation, collation and entry of grading data, organisation of student facing communications, training sessions to academic team and deployment of digital content.



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