Associate Professor
Rob Robergs

Profile image of Associate Professor Rob Robergs

Faculty of Health,
School of Exercise & Nutrition Sciences

Personal details


Associate Professor
Faculty of Health,
School of Exercise & Nutrition Sciences


muscle metabolism, disease prevention, environmental physiology, sports physiology, exercise performance, indirect calorimetry, human ventilation, contractile power

Research field

Sports science and exercise

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020

Professional memberships and associations

Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP); Academic member, Exercise and Sports Sciences Australia (ESSA)


Robert has a diverse teaching background, spanning subjects of; introductory exercise physiology, advanced exercise physiology, bioenergetics, laboratory procedures in exercise physiology, metabolic biochemistry, laboratory procedures in metabolic biochemistry, cardiac rehabilitation, exercise prescription, exercise endocrinology, environmental physiology, clinical exercise physiology, research methods and statistics, and LabVIEW data flow programming.

A considerable component of Robert's teaching load has been the supervision of post-graduate research students. Collectively, Robert has supervised more than 50 PhD students, 10 Masters students, and 5 Honours students across the US and Australian higher education systems.



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