Professor Robert Perrons

Profile image of Professor Robert Perrons

Faculty of Business & Law,
School of Management

Personal details


Faculty of Business & Law,
School of Management

Research field

Strategy, management and organisational behaviour

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD in Engineering (University of Cambridge)
  • S.M. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (McMaster University)

Professional memberships and associations

  • Fellow and Chartered Member (C.Eng.) of UK’s Institution of Mechanical Engineers
  • Fellow and Chartered CPEng member of Engineers Australia
  • Chartered European Engineer (Eur Ing), recognized throughout European Union


I am currently teaching or have recently taught the following courses:

  • GSN490: "Managing Technological Innovation" for MBA students
  • GSZ490: "Managing Technological Innovation" for Executive MBA students
  • MGN409: "Management Theory and Practice" for Master's students
  • BSB115: "Management" for undergraduates

I have also taught the following courses in the past:

  • GSN405: "Strategic Management" for MBA students



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