Distinguished Emeritus Professor
Stuart Cunningham

Profile image of Distinguished Emeritus Professor Stuart Cunningham

Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
Office of the Exec Dean, CI, Edu & Soc Justice

Personal details


Distinguished Emeritus Professor
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education & Social Justice,
Office of the Exec Dean, CI, Edu & Soc Justice,
Office of the Exec Dean, CI, Edu & Soc. Justice


Convergence of technologies, Creative industries development policies, Culture & communication, Diaspora & media, Film & TV education, Higher education policy, Media policy & practice, TV - event TV, Television content (policy & futures)

Research field

Communication and media studies, Cultural studies, Policy and administration

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (Griffith University)
  • MA (McGill University)
  • BA(Hons) (University of Queensland)

Professional memberships and associations

  • invested as a Member of the Order of Australia, 2015, for ‘significant service to higher education, particularly to the study of media and communications, as an academic and researcher’
  • awarded a Fulbright Senior Scholarship, 2014-15
  • elected to the UK-based Academy of Social Sciences, 2013- (FAcSS)
  • appointed to Cooperative Research Centre Committee, 2012-2015;
  • appointed director of Screen Queensland, 2012-15;
  • appointed to reference panel, National Cultural Policy reference group, 2011-12;
  • appointed to NSW Creative Industries Task Force 2012-2013;
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA)
  • elected President, Council of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS), 2006-08;
  • appointed member of the Library Board of Queensland, 2008-11 and 2011-14;
  • appointed member of the Australian Research Council's College of Experts 2005-7, and Chair of the Humanities and Creative Arts Panel of the College, 2007;
  • ARC assessor over 17 years;
  • international assessments by invitation for research bodies in Canada, EU, Holland, South Africa, Denmark, New Zealand;
  • Adjunct Professor, Australian National University 2006-8; Visiting Professor City University, London 2008-11, Leverhulme Foundation Visitor, University of St Andrews 2008-9;
  • Commissioner of the Australian Film Commission 1992-98;
  • foundation Chair of QPIX, Queensland's Screen Development Centre, 1997-2005;
  • elected inaugural Fellow of the Cultural and Communication section of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, 1997 (FAHA) and elected Treasurer, and Council and Executive member of the Academy, 2003-6;
  • Node Convenor, Cultural Technologies, for the ARC Cultural Research Network (CRN), 2004-6;
  • elected board member of the Council of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS), 2005-6, 2008-9, 2009-10, 2010-11;
  • appointed to UNESCO’s Australian National Commission Social Science Network, 2005-;
  • Centenary Medal (Australian Honours list) 2003 in recognition of contribution to the humanities in Australia;
  • Honorary Life Member, Cultural Studies Association of Australia, 2000-.

Editorial boards

  • Co-editor, Media Industries Journal
  • Member, editorial boards of Television and New Media, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Communication, Politics & Culture, She Ji -- The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation (Tongji University), In Media (France), Politicas Culturais Em Revista (Spain), International Journal of Cultural and Creative Industries (Taiwan), UNESCO Observatory Refereed e-Journal (UNESCO Observatory on Multi-Disciplinary Research in the Arts).


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Selected research projects

Projects listed above are funded by Australian Competitive Grants. Projects funded from other sources are not listed due to confidentiality agreements.