Adjunct Professor
Susan Savage

Profile image of Adjunct Professor Susan Savage

Faculty of Engineering,
School of Architecture & Built Environment

Personal details


Adjunct Professor
Faculty of Engineering,
School of Architecture & Built Environment


Architectural Design, Architectural Professional Practice, Higher Education, Work Integrated Learning

Research field

Design, Architecture, Other Education

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Master of Architecture (University of Queensland)
  • BArch(Hons) (University of Queensland)
  • BDesStud (University of Queensland)
  • DipAdult&VocEd (Griffith University)

Professional memberships and associations

  • Australian Discipline Scholar Architecture

  • Chairperson - Board of Architects of Queensland

  • Fellow - Australian Institute of Architects

  • Member - Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia

  • Member - Australasian Association of Engineering Educators

  • Member - Architects Accreditation Council of Australia

  • Architect registered in Queensland No 1897


Leadership of teaching and learning
Professor Savage has established, as the Assistant Dean (Teaching and Learning), significant leadership of a large team of academic staff from across the Faculty. Together they comprise the Built Environment and Engineering Teaching and Learning Portfolio (BEETL). Professor Savage has led various members of this large team in various achievements, including

  • Restructured, documented and implemented three new undergraduate degrees (first and second year have phased in) to replace previous 20 courses

  • Restructured, documented and currently implementing 6 new coursework Masters courses to replace 30 ‘old’ courses with average enrolment of 3 per unit

  • Diagnosed the character of BEE’s teaching quality deficits (BEETL Wellness Project) and led the development and implementation of a targeted plan to address these deficits (Teaching Quality Improvement Plan) - this work is ongoing

  • Worked across the Faculty’s portfolios and operations to ensure that student service delivery and teaching practice is aligned with student needs, the needs of academic staff and the Faculty’s and University’s service provision standards

  • Responded to a shifting landscape, at University level and beyond, particularly in relation to data collection, interpretation and action-based-on-data

  • Successfully made bids for Carrick Discipline-Based Initiative Funds ($100,000 contribution to research quantum) and mentored others in applying for Australian Learning and Teaching Council Awards

  • Advocated successfully for the extension of staffing in the Faculty to include specialist consultants in learning and teaching

  • Accreditations, large and small, statutory and non-statutory, regularly and irregularly. On an annual basis the Faculty participates in accreditation visits and, every five years or so, significant visits from major professions are held.



QUT ePrints

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Selected research projects

Projects listed above are funded by Australian Competitive Grants. Projects funded from other sources are not listed due to confidentiality agreements.
