Adjunct Professor
Sara McGaughey

Faculty of Business & Law,
Office of the Deputy Dean
Sara McGaughey is Professor of International Business at QUT Business School, in the School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations. Her Ph.D. was awarded by the University of Queensland, and her MBA and B.A. by Monash University, Australia. Prior to joining QUT Business School, Professor McGaughey held substantive positions in Australia (UNSW, Monash University, Griffith University) and Europe (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark; University of Strathclyde, Scotland; and Leeds University, England), as well as visiting positions (Temple University, USA; University of International Business and Economics, China).Sara currently serves as Immediate Past Chapter Chair and President of the Academy of International Business (AIB) –Oceania, and is Chair of the 2022 AIB Oceania Annual Research Symposium and Paper Development Workshop. Sara also serves on the editorial boards of Journal of World Business and Management International Review.
Professor McGaughey’s research is at the intersection of international strategy, organisation and entrepreneurship. Sara's research can be found in research monographs on small firm internationalisation and on corporate entrepreneurship in a MNE, as well as in journals such as Academy of Management Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, Management International Review, Journal of Management Studies, and Business History, among others.
Current projects include:
- foreign direct investment for inclusive growth -- productivity and knowledge spillovers to domestic firms
- international new venturing by portfolio entrepreneurs
- how small firms shape international standards for competitive advantage through ‘institutional work’
- MNE-Headquarter subsidiary relations
- internationalisation of indigenous firms.
Personal details
- Adjunct Professor
Faculty of Business & Law,
Office of the Deputy Dean
International business, Strategy, International entrepreneurship, Foreign direct investment (FDI) & productivity spillovers, Institutional entrepreneurship, MNE- subsidiary relations & corporate entrepreneurship, Internationalisation, Global mindset, Qualitative research methods, Problematisation
Research field
Strategy, management and organisational behaviour
Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020
- Doctor of Philosophy (University of Queensland)
A Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), Professor McGaughey is a passionate educator and has an enduring commitment to engaged pedagogies: active, authentic and collaborative. This approach helps equip students at all levels, from diverse backgrounds and with different learning styles with the skills to question, critique and generate new knowledge, and effectively apply this knowledge not only to respond and adapt, but also anticipate and shape the world in which they live and will work. Professor McGaughey's programme and course design thus emphasises the historical development and state-of-the art disciplinary knowledge, and fosters the cognitive and relational skills and reflexivity required for life-long learning. With International Business a disciple of enormous practical relevance, Sara's teaching practice is infused with the integration and critique of theory and empirical research, and their connections to industry practice and policy.
Professor McGaughey has diverse experience across undergraduate, post graduate, doctoral and executive education in areas such as International Business Strategy, International Business, Qualitative Research Methods, International/ Cross-cultural Management and International Entrepreneurship, among others. Sara has particular interest in creating sustainable communities of practice that support junior scholars and higher degree research students in their pursuit, creation and dissemination of new knowledge.
- McGaughey, S., Raimondos, P. & la Cour, L. (2020). Foreign influence, control, and indirect ownership: Implications for productivity spillovers. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(9), 1391–1412.
- McGaughey, S. & Raimondos, P. (2019). Shifting MNE taxation from national to global profits: A radical reform long overdue. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(9), 1668–1683.
- Lunnan, R. & McGaughey, S. (2019). Orchestrating international production networks when formal authority shifts. Journal of World Business, 54(5).
- Amberg, J. & McGaughey, S. (2019). Strategic human resource management and inertia in the corporate entrepreneurship of a multinational enterprise. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(5), 759–793.
- Amberg, J. & McGaughey, S. (2017). Fostering local entrepreneurship in a multinational enterprise. Routledge.
- Alfoldi, E., McGaughey, S. & Clegg, L. (2017). Firm Bosses or Helpful Neighbours? The Ambiguity and Co-Construction of MNE Regional Management Mandates. Journal of Management Studies, 54(8), 1170–1205.
- McGaughey, S., Kumaraswamy, A. & Liesch, P. (2016). Institutions, entrepreneurship and co-evolution in international business. Journal of World Business, 51(6), 871–881.
- McGaughey, S., (2013). Institutional entrepreneurship in North American lightning protection standards: Rhetorical history and unintended consequences of failure. Business History, 55(1), 73–97.
- Alfoldi, E., Clegg, L. & McGaughey, S. (2012). Coordination at the Edge of the Empire: The Delegation of Headquarters Functions through Regional Management Mandates. Journal of International Management, 18(3), 276–292.
QUT ePrints
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