Adjunct Professor
Sharon Bentley
Faculty of Health,
Office of the Deputy Dean
Professor Sharon Bentley is an optometrist with experience as an educator, researcher, clinician and executive manager. Prior to her appointment as Deputy Dean in 2021, Sharon was Head of the QUT School of Optometry and Vision Science. Her research interests include the impact of vision impairment on functional performance and quality of life, vision and driving, the development of patient reported outcomes for use in clinical trials of new eye treatments (e.g. the bionic eye), the evaluation of eye care services, Indigenous eye care and public health. She is a recipient of an American Academy of Optometry Brazelton Award and a Churchill Fellowship. She is a Diplomate of the Low Vision Section of the American Academy of Optometry, Fellow of the Australian College of Optometry and member of the International Advisory Group for Clinical and Experimental Optometry. Professor Bentley has had executive management experience in a not-for-profit organisation, delivering eye care services to more than 60,000 persons from disadvantaged backgrounds per year. She has been Chair of the Vision 2020 Australia Independence and Participation Committee, and the Optometry Australia Low Vision Working Group. She is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a non-executive director of Vision Australia.Personal details
- Deputy Dean
Faculty of Health,
Office of the Deputy Dean - Adjunct Professor
Faculty of Health,
School of Clinical Sciences
visual impairment, quality of life, patient reported outcomes, vision and driving, public health, Indigenous eye health, evaluation of health services
Research field
Ophthalmology and optometry
Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020
- Ph.D - Science (University of Melbourne)
Professional memberships and associations
Doctor of Philosophy (University of Melbourne)
Bachelor of Science in Optometry (University of Melbourne)
Graduate Diploma in Special Education (University of Melbourne)
Master of Optometry (University of Melbourne)
Master of Public Health (Johns Hopkins University)
Certificate in Ocular Therapeutics (Australian College of Optometry)
Churchill Fellow
Graduate Australian Institute Company Directors
Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (Indigenous)
Fellow American Academy Optometry (Diplomate Low Vision Section)
Fellow Australian College of Optometry
Member Optometry Australia
Chair Optometry Australia Low Vision Working and Evolving Scope of Practice Groups
Member International Advisory Board Clinical and Experimental Optometry
Member Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
QUT ePrints
For more publications by Sharon, explore their research in QUT ePrints (our digital repository).