Dr Steven Psaltis

Faculty of Engineering,
School of Mech., Medical & Process Engineering
Dr Steven Psaltis is a senior research fellow at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). He has expertise in the mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of multiscale, multiphase, and multicomponent systems, with applications in porous media flow. He is proficient in a range of programming languages, including C/C++ and MATLAB, with experience in computer graphics and visualisation using OpenGL. His research interests include flow in porous media, parameter estimation through data assimilation, modelling and simulation of electrochemical systems, GPGPU computing, and virtual reconstruction and visualisation of objects from image data. His current research focus is on aluminium hydroxide precipitation and aluminium electrolysis.Personal details
- Senior Research Fellow
Faculty of Engineering,
School of Mech., Medical & Process Engineering
Research field
Applied mathematics, Statistics, Pure mathematics
Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020
- PhD (Queensland University of Technology)
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours) Mathematics (Queensland University of Technology)
Teaching Areas
- Multivariable and vector calculus
- Ordinary and partial differential equations
- Linear algebra
- Engineering mathematics
Recent Units
- EGB242 Signal Analysis (Semester 1, 2022)
- PVB204 Electromagnetism (Semester 2, 2021)
- MXB328 Work Integrated Learning in Applied and Computational Mathematics (Semester 2, 2021)
- MXB202 Advanced Calculus (Semester 2, 2019)
- Timms, R., Psaltis, S., Please, C. & Chapman, S. (2023). A mechanical model for reinforced, expanding spirally-wound layered materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 175. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/239064
- Psaltis, S., Timms, R., Please, C. & Chapman, S. (2022). Homogenization of Spirally Wound High-Contrast Layered Materials. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 82(1), 168–193. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/232439
- Brancheriau, L., Bailleres, H., Lee, D., Psaltis, S., Kumar, C., Turner, I., Carr, E. & Farrell, T. (2021). A new approach for predicting board MOE from increment cores. Annals of Forest Science, 78(3). https://eprints.qut.edu.au/226675
- Kumar, C., Psaltis, S., Bailleres, H., Turner, I., Brancheriau, L., Hopewell, G., Carr, E., Farrell, T. & Lee, D. (2021). Accurate estimation of log MOE from non-destructive standing tree measurements. Annals of Forest Science, 78(1). https://eprints.qut.edu.au/208871
- Psaltis, S., Turner, I., Carr, E., Farrell, T., Hopewell, G. & Bailleres, H. (2018). Three-dimensional virtual reconstruction of timber billets from rotary peeling. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 152, 269–280. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/115906
- Tredenick, E., Farrell, T., Forster, W. & Psaltis, S. (2017). Nonlinear porous diffusion modeling of hydrophilic ionic agrochemicals in astomatous plant cuticle aqueous pores: A mechanistic approach. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8, 1–14. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/106946
- Psaltis, S., Farrell, T., Burrage, K., Burrage, P., McCabe, P., Moroney, T., Turner, I., Mazumder, S. & Bednarz, T. (2017). Using population of models to investigate and quantify gas production in a spatially heterogeneous coal seam gas field. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 49, 338–353. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/107689
- Drovandi, C., Cusimano, N., Psaltis, S., Lawson, B., Pettitt, T., Burrage, P. & Burrage, K. (2016). Sampling methods for exploring between-subject variability in cardiac electrophysiology experiments. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 13(121), 1–12. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/90999
- Psaltis, S., Farrell, T., Burrage, K., Burrage, P., McCabe, P., Moroney, T., Turner, I. & Mazumder, S. (2015). Mathematical modelling of gas production and compositional shift of a CSG (coal seam gas) field: Local model development. Energy, 88, 621–635. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/86569
- Psaltis, S. & Farrell, T. (2011). Comparing charge transport predictions for a ternary electrolyte using the Maxwell-Stefan and Nernst-Planck equations. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 158(1). https://eprints.qut.edu.au/38835
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