Emeritus Professor
Tom Cochrane

Faculty of Business & Law,
Office of the Executive Dean, Business & Law
Background Professor Tom Cochrane is an adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Business and Law. He was formerly Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Technology, Information and Learning Support), at QUT until retiring from that position at the end of 2013. In his current role, Professor Cochrane's external duties include: Director, Australian Digital Alliance; Deputy Chair, Library Board of Queensland and Member, Board of the T J Ryan Foundation. Since 2020 he has been working on an Australian Research Council (ARC) funded Discovery Project with the short title Producing, managing and owning knowledge in the 21st century university, in collaboration with researchers in Law schools at UNSW (lead), University of Sydney, UTS and University of South Australia as well as QUT. This project, together with other open access initiatives locally based at QUT, signals a long standing commitment to access to knowledge, and to research output worldwide.He has had extensive past involvement with policy development and advice in the area of national and state research infrastructure investment, as both chair of the National eResearch Infrastructure Council over 7 years, and in several subsequent review and consulting activities. He has had long experience of educational technology and is currently involved in governance policy and advice for teaching at degree level in the games industry with the Academy of Interactive Entertainment Institute.
His research area in Queensland studies was the 1920s, a detailed examination of the events in the State surrounding its “Loans Affair”, when the State Government of E G Theodore became embroiled in a bitter dispute with the London Money Market and Pastoral Lobby.
Personal details
- Adjunct Professor
Faculty of Business & Law,
Office of the Executive Dean, Business & Law - Emeritus Professor
Faculty of Business & Law,
Office of the Executive Dean, Business & Law
Research field
Other law and legal studies
Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020
- MPhil (Griffith University)
- BA (University of Queensland)
Professional memberships and associations
- Fellow - Australian Library and Information Association
- Graduate - Australian Institute of Company Directors
- Deputy Chair, Library Board of Queensland
- Director , Australian Digital Alliance.
Consultancies, Reviews (not QUT Reviews)
2014: Review of the Super Science Research Data Storage Infrastructure Project
2011: Review of the University of Pretoria, Department of Library Services, South Africa
2008: Review of operating conditions of CSIRO Publishing
2003: Deakin University, Review of Information Services Division
2003: Curtin University, Seminar and Consultations on Future of Learning
2002: University of South Australia, Review of Divisional Services
2002: Management Frontiers Pty Ltd, Led Study Tour on Universities and IT, United States
1999: University of Newcastle: Review of Information and Educational Services Division
1998: University of Technology, Sydney: Information Technology Planning
1997: Macquarie University: Review of Computing Services Department
1996: James Cook University: Provision of Computer Services
1996: RMIT University Librarian, Role of Library in Organisational Structure
QUT Faculty and Division Reviews
2010: Division of Research and Commercialisation
2008: Faculty of Health
2007: Faculty of Science
2005: Faculty of Education
1997: Faculty of Health
QUT ePrints
For more publications by Tom, explore their research in QUT ePrints (our digital repository).