Dr Tobias Fischer

Profile image of Dr Tobias Fischer

Faculty of Engineering,
School of Electrical Engineering & Robotics

Personal details


Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Engineering,
School of Electrical Engineering & Robotics


Robotics, Computer Vision, Computational Cognition, Place Recognition, Gaze Estimation, Event Cameras, Spiking Neural Networks

Research field

Artificial intelligence, Electrical engineering

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Imperial College, London)
  • M.Sc. (University of Edinburgh)
  • B.Sc. (Other)

Professional memberships and associations

  • Fellow, Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • Chartered Engineer (CEng)
  • Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (SMIEEE)
  • Member, Institution of Engineering and Technology (MIET)
  • Member, British Machine Vision Association (BMVA)
  • Member, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society


Dr Fischer's teaching profile accounts for over 85 hours of teaching in a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses. He also regularly supervises PhD, MSc/MEng and BSc/BEng students, and mentors lab members on an ongoing basis to support their success. Dr Fischer is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy which demonstrates his overall commitment to professionalism in learning and teaching.

Teaching Overview:

  • Assessor, EGH400-1, Winter 2021 (QUT)
  • Assessor, EGH408, Spring 2020 (QUT)
  • Guest Lecturer, EGH444, Spring 2020 (QUT)
  • Guest Lecturer, Human-Centered Robotics, Autumn 2019 (Imperial College London)
  • Assessor, Mobile Healthcare and Machine Learning, Spring 2019 (Imperial College London)
  • Assessor, Human-Centered Robotics, Autumn 2018 (Imperial College London)
  • Tutor, Object-Oriented Programming, Spring 2014 (University of Edinburgh)
  • Tutor, Processing Formal and Natural Languages, Autumn 2013 (University of Edinburgh)
  • Tutor, Software Engineering, Autumn 2013 (University of Edinburgh)
  • Tutor, Algorithms and Programming, Autumn 2011 (Ilmenau University of Technology)
  • Tutor, Algorithms and Programming, Autumn 2010 (Ilmenau University of Technology)

Supervision Overview:

  • PhD student: "Global relocalization across changing conditions for metric, keyframe-based visual SLAM systems", Queensland University of Technology, 2021 - 2022 (RAL paper)
  • PhD student: "Sensor-Based Positioning and Guidance at the Edge", Queensland University of Technology, 2021 - now
  • BEng student: "Feature Extraction for Event-based Place Recognition", 2021
  • BEng student: "Long-Duration Autonomous Exploration in GPS-Denied Environments", 2020-2021
  • PhD student: "Re-Evolving Biological Neural Networks for Spatially-informed Intelligence", Queensland University of Technology, 2021 - 2024
  • PhD student: "Vision-based localisation during transitions between environments", Queensland University of Technology, 2021 - 2024
  • PhD student: "Appearance and Viewpoint Invariant Visual Place Recognition using Multi-scale and Multi-modality Systems" (CVPR2021 proceedings paper), Queensland University of Technology, 2020 - 2021
  • PhD student: "Real-Time Multi-Person Pose Tracking using Data Assimilation" (WACV2020 proceedings paper), Imperial College London, 2017 - 2019
  • Research assistant on the PAL H2020 project: "Real-Time Knowledge-ability Prediction on Mobile Devices", Imperial College London, 2018 - 2019
  • BEng in Electrical and Electronic Engineering: "Use of Gaze Estimation in Mobile Learning Environments to Infer Text Comprehension", Imperial College London, 2019
  • MEng in Informatics and Systems Modeling: "Fusing Linguistic and Gaze Information for Human Robot Interaction" (ICCV2019 workshop proceedings paper best poster award)Imperial College London, 2018
  • MEng in Electrical and Electronic Engineering: "Comper: A Collaborative Musical Accompaniment System using Deep Latent Vector Models", Imperial College London, 2018
  • MSc in Computing: "Towards Verbal Control of Humanoid Robots", Imperial College London, 2018


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