Professor Vinod Chandran

Profile image of Professor Vinod Chandran

Personal details


Signal Processing, Image Processing, Higher Order Spectral Analysis, Pattern Recognition, Biometrics, Biomedical Applications, Face Recognition, EEG Analysis, Facial Expression Recognition, Classifier Fusion

Research field

Artificial intelligence, Electrical engineering

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (Washington State University)
  • MS(EE) (Texas Tech University)
  • MS(CS) (Washington State University)
  • Graduate Certificate in Education (Queensland University of Technology)
  • B. Tech iin Electrical Engineering (Electronics) (Indian Institute of Technology, Madras)

Professional memberships and associations

Professor Chandran has formal qualifications, skills and knowledge in both electrical engineering and computer science. Except of a 3 month period with the Oil and Natural Gas Commission (India) in 1984, his experience has been with universities' mainly in the USA and Australia.

Queensland University of Technology, Australia 

Professor (2009 – Present)  -  supervision of research postgraduate students, management of research projects, research higher degree supervision administration tasks as a deputy research coordinator, preparation of research grant applications in collaboration with colleagues, coordination and lecturing to large and small cohorts of students in undergraduate classes, mentoring of junior research staff and postgraduate supervisors, reviewer of research proposals, journal and conference papers, service on technical program committees, presenting conference papers and invited talks, supporting journal publications as a collaborator and co-author

Assoc. Professor (2004-2009) - same roles as a Professor but without the same degree of mentoring, higher degree research administration or international collaboration

Senior Lecturer (1997-2004) -  coordination of courses, introduction of a new course in computer engineering (since changed to a major), lecturing to large and small cohorts of students in undergraduate classes, teaching of postgraduate coursework Masters degree students and supervision of their projects, introduction of new units into the curriculum, preparation of research grants, management of research contracts from the USA and Australian Research Council grants, Organization of an international workshop in signal processing (technical chair) in Brisbane

Lecturer (1993-1997) -  lecturing undergraduate units, preparation of journal and conference manuscripts for publication, international conference presentation, session chair at conferences, preparation of research grant applications, service roles in professional societies.

Washington State University, USA

Post-doctoral Teaching Associate (1990-1993) Investigated higher order spectral analysis with Prof. S. Elgar; Lectured Electronics, Communications and Digital Signal Processing Classes.

Research Assistant / Teaching Assistant (1985-1990) - Teaching assistant in electronics, communications, conducted research into higher order spectral analysis for PhD, first authored conference and journal publications, Completed the PhD in 1990. enrolled in computer science classes towards a Masters degree in Computer science fulfilling all the requirements including undergraduate units and  a Masters project in the area of parallel computing. The Masters degree requirements were completed after the PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Texas Tech University, USA

Research Assistant / Teaching Assistant (1984-1985) Experience: worked in the Optical Systems Laboratory led by Prof (retd) John F. Walkup using lasers and a liquid crystal light valve; conducted research in optical computing; teaching assistant in digital electronics; attended and presented at international conferences, first authored a journal publication.

Service Roles in Professional Societies

  • Senior Member, Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2001- )
  • Chair, IEEE Computer Society Queensland Chapter (2004)
  • Vice President, Australian Pattern Recognition Society (2001)
  • Technical chair of the Workshop on Signal Processing and Applications (2002).
  • Invited Member, Technical Panel of the Biometrics Institute, Sydney, Australia (2004-2011)
  • Invited Member, Committee IT-029-01 of Standards Australia (2004-2013)
  • Editor, Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers (2014- )
  • Technical chair of the Workshop on Signal Processing and Applications (WoSPA) 2002.


Professor Chandran currently coordinates and teaches the following units at QUT:

* ENB 350 Real-time Computer Based Systems:   This unit covers Embedded Systems with particular focus on multi-threaded applications and real-time systems. It is a laboratory based unit with many practical exercises and a problem based learning project in which students implement a device driver and data logger for a miniaturized production line testing station. Currently the laboratory uses TI Tiva C series hardware with ARM Cortex M4 and Code Composer Studio. The unit has an enrolment of about 60 students.

* ENB 448 Signal Processing and Filtering: This unit covers random processes, correlations and spectra, optimal filters, wavelet transform, feature extraction, model based classification (Gaussian mixtures) and discriminant (Support Vector Machines) classification. Students do a number of exercise using Matlab and a problem based learning project that involves speech processing. The unit has an enrolment of about 20 students. He also lectures (40%)

* ENB 243 Linear Systems : This unit covers Laplace transforms, transfer functions, transient and steady state responses and their application to circuit analysis. It has an enrolment of about 200 students. He has experience teaching in the following areas:

  • Signal and Systems
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Ditial Image Processing
  • Embedded Systems
  • Pattern Recognition
  • C and Unix

He has adopted a combination of structured (lectures and labs) and problem based (experiential and self learning with prescribed objectives and provided resources) approaches in his teaching.


QUT ePrints

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Selected research projects

Projects listed above are funded by Australian Competitive Grants. Projects funded from other sources are not listed due to confidentiality agreements.