Professor Yanming Feng

Profile image of Professor Yanming Feng

Faculty of Science,
School of Computer Science

Personal details


Faculty of Science,
School of Computer Science


Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Precise positioning algorithms and applications, Internet of Things, Orbit Determination and space debris monitoring, Vehicular networks and road safety, Machine Learning, Deformation and landslide monitoring, Geodetic data analytics, Wireless networks, Network security

Research field

Geomatic engineering, Aerospace engineering, Communications engineering

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD in Engineering (Wuhan Tech University of Surveying and Mapping)


IFN712 Research in IT Practice (2020-2021)

ENN524 Mobile Networks Engineering (2014-2021)

CAB441 Networks Security (2021)

IFN665 Advance Topics (2018-2019) (discontinued)

ENN541 Research Methods for Engineers (2018-2019)

ENB357 Spacecraft dynamics and control (2013-2017) (discontinued)

IFN701 Project 1(2016-2017) (discontinued)

IFN702 Project 2 (2016-2017) (discontinued)

INB353/INN353 Wireless and Mobile Networks (2008-2012) (discontinued)



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