Dr Yasmin Antwertinger

Profile image of Dr Yasmin Antwertinger

Faculty of Health,
School of Clinical Sciences,

Personal details


Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Health,
School of Clinical Sciences,

Research field

Clinical sciences

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (Charles Darwin University)


My teaching philosophy stems from my own love of learning. Ideally I want students to learn in authentic and relevant ways. To learn without thinking about learning and perhaps without even realising that they are. I aim to inspire and engage students with just enough information at just the right time to motivate them to answer the questions posed. I know that students who ‘own’ their learning retain more and are more effective learners. My principle goal is therefore to make learning fun and engaging, to provide ‘problems’ that students want to solve, so they drive their learning.

I recognise that the enjoyment of learning is an attribute that all students need. Students can only gain this attribute if teachers provide relevant, challenging and engaging material. Conversely the drive to learn, to actively strive to understand difficult concepts is a skill that needs to be taught.  I believe that by encouraging self-belief in students we can instil in them the ability to ‘strive’ to solve difficult problems and that these attributes and skills will benefit students in their studies and in their future employment.


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