Associate Professor
Yateendra Mishra

Profile image of Associate Professor Yateendra Mishra

Faculty of Engineering,
School of Electrical Engineering & Robotics

Personal details


Associate Professor
Faculty of Engineering,
School of Electrical Engineering & Robotics


Smart Grid, Renewable Integration, Transmission and Generation Planning, Power system stabilty, Demand Response, Electricity pricing

Research field

Electrical engineering

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD in Electrical Engineering (Power Systems) (University of Queensland)

Professional memberships and associations

IEEE Senior Member


Current teaching responsibilities:

  • EGH441: Power System Modelling
  • EGB341: Energy Supply and Delivery
  • EGH400-1/2: Capstone Projects

Units previously taught:

  • ENB250: Electrical Circuits
  • ENB452: Advanced Power System Analysis
  • ENB456: Energy



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