Associate Professor
Yvette Miller

Profile image of Associate Professor Yvette Miller

Faculty of Health,
School of Public Health & Social Work

Personal details


Associate Professor
Faculty of Health,
School of Public Health & Social Work


health services, maternity care, patient reported outcomes, patient-centred care, physical activity, survey methodology, women's health

Research field

Public health

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Doctor of Philosophy - Human Movement Studies (University of Queensland)
  • BA (Psychology) (Hons) (University of Newcastle)


Yvette teaches in undergraduate courses that include Health Education and Behaviour Change, Health Promotion Practice, and the Health Needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. She coordinates the final-year industry placements for undergraduate Public Health students, and supervises undergraduate and postgraduate coursework student projects across the Faculty of Health, including both Public Health and Social Work and Psychology and Counselling (Honours) students.

She has successfully supervised 19 students completing research as part of their Honours degrees in Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Hons) at QUT), Bachelor of Psychological Science (Hons) at The University of Queensland and Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Hons) at The University of Sydney. She has also supervised 15 coursework Masters research dissertations in Master of Applied Psychology (UQ), Master of Health Management (QUT), Master of Educational and Developmental Psychology (QUT), Master of Science (Hons) in Genetic Counselling (Griffith University) and Master of Public Health (QUT).

HDR supervision is also central to Associate Professor Miller's teaching and research agenda. The PhD, Masters and Honours students whom she has mentored have routinely published articles from their work in peer-reviewed journals and gone on to create careers in clinical, research, and academic settings. She takes an individualised, apprentice-based approach that supports students in the preparation of their theses while facilitating a broad and strategic approach to skill development that is tailored to individual goals.

Current and completed higher degree research supervision is outlined on the 'Supervision' tab.



QUT ePrints

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Selected research projects

Projects listed above are funded by Australian Competitive Grants. Projects funded from other sources are not listed due to confidentiality agreements.


Current supervisions

  • Exploring the PUrpose, Practice and Quality of Education in Routine Maternity Care
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Carol Windsor
  • Adherence to Breastfeeding Supportive Practices in Sri Lankan Hospitals by Mode of Birth
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Associate Professor Rebecca Byrne
  • Do Family-Friendly Work Conditions Benefit Women in Malaysia?
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Associate Professor Jenni Mays
  • PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Jo Durham
  • Cultivating transformation in maternity services culture by empowering midwives and midwifery students through the application of a mentor program
    Professional Doctorate, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Associate Professor Rebecca Spooner-Lane
  • "Bringing Women in": Understanding women's experience of miscarriage and role of healthcare practices, policies and procedures
    MPhil, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Carol Windsor

Completed supervisions (Masters by Research)