Planning for our future

Our physical estate compromises of buildings, facilities and landscaping over 29 hectares of both owned and leased sites. Planning for our future estate needs to address a complex suite of internal and external factors that are both opportunities and challenges for a spatially distributed university estate.

Download the Estate Master Plan (PDF file, 15.3 MB)

Global economic and political changes, along with advancements in technology and widening participation in online activities, have significantly impacted the tertiary education sector. Our vision, strategy and organisation needs have shifted in response to these contextual changes to best meet future needs. Our estate master plan also needs to reflect these changes. Our new estate master plan takes a high-level, long-term view of how the estate can respond to a range of potential growth and change scenarios. The master plan provides a framework that is sufficiently flexible to allow for changes and adaptations to suit prospective needs.

Over a two year period we undertook several technical studies and community engagement to aid in developing master planning strategies. In mid-2018 a draft plan was released to the public for community consultation and feedback. After consideration of all comments and submissions received the draft plan was amended to become the final 2018 QUT Estate Master Plan.

We're currently revising our Estate Master Plan. This will be released as a new Campus Master Plan covering both Kelvin Grove and Gardens Point campuses. We expect it to be published by mid-2025.

For further information or inquiries about the Estate Master Plan, email