We're well known as 'the university for the real world' because of our close links with industry and our relevant teaching and applied research. Industry representatives and professionals contribute to our course development, adding a practical perspective to theoretical education.

Our academic staff consult in industry and work on industry projects which often involve students. Staff and students have access to the latest teaching technology.

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Multi-year statistics

Data on our student and staff numbers, graduates, finances and research activity.


Total students

Total enrolments 50,804 52,511 52,662 53,257 50,191 52,070
Commencing students 19,455 19,862 19,243 19,003 18,008 21,024
Continuing students 31,349 32,649 33,419 34,254 32,183 31,046
Attendance mode
Full-time 38,649 39,744 37,364 36,531 34,068 36,704
Part-time 12,155 12,767 15,298 16,726 16,123 15,366
Course level
Undergraduate 39,039 39,871 39,156 39,695 37,840 37,481
Postgraduate coursework 8,527 9,426 10,378 10,773 9,419 11,451
Research (higher degree research) 2,518 2,512 2,467 2,468 2,338 2,343
Non-award 720 702 661 321 594 795
Faculty enrolments from 2021
Business and Law 11,043 9,897 10,196
Creative Industries, Education, Social Justice 11,217 9,927 9,602
Engineering 4,396 4,317 4,864
Health 11,639 11,129 11,401
Science 4,714 4,622 5,491
University wide 9,721 9,620 9,319
QUT College 527 679 1,197
Faculty enrolments from 2018 - 2020
QUT Business School 8,459 8,370 8,495
Creative Industries 5,639 5,823 5,863
Education 3,679 3,985 4,442
Health 11,048 11,485 11,901
Law 3,991 3,982 3,958
Science and Engineering 11,041 11,523 10,943
Interfaculty 6,010 6,399 6,437
QUT International College (QUTIC) 872 911 623
Other divisions 65 33 0
Female students 27,355 28,243 28,534 29,189 27,333 27,738
Male students 23,390 24,209 24,037 23,885 22,623 24,073
Other 59 59 91 183 235 259
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students 825 825 860 1023 930 959
Domestic students 41,860 42,742 44,220 46,109 43,192 42,250
International students 8,944 9,769 8,442 7,148 6,999 9,820

International students

Total international students 8,944 9,769 8,442 7,148 6,999 9,820
Course level
Undergraduate 5,060 5,462 4,987 4,512 4,105 4,371
Postgraduate coursework 2,491 2,794 2,384 1,677 1,737 4,035
Research (higher degree research) 952 1023 939 917 880 950
Non-award 441 490 132 42 277 464
Faculty enrolments from 2021
Business and Law 1,628 1,361 2,026
Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice 1,036 1,013 1,038
Engineering 678 600 912
Health 1,350 1,418 2,158
Science 899 886 1,450
University wide 1,175 1,330 1,564
QUT College


391 672
Faculty enrolments from 2018 – 2020
QUT Business School 2,547 2,572 2,075
Creative Industries 697 862 928
Education 174 228 245
Health 1,693 1,952 1,814
Law 135 118 109
Science and Engineering 2,650 2,967 2,541
Interfaculty 176 159 164
QUT International College 871 911 566
Other divisions 1 0 0


There are more than 300,000 alumni from QUT and its predecessor institutions (at 17 August 2024).


Total completions 11,588 12,059 10,972 12,289 11,359 10,686

Course level

Undergraduate 7,603 7,842 7,061 7,754 7,184 6,954
Postgraduate coursework 3,548 3,791 3,619 4,092 3,762 3,352
Research (higher degree research) 437 426 292 443 413 380

Faculty completions from 2021

Business and Law 3,134 2,709 2,362
Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice 2,539 2,504 2,240
Engineering 948 849 806
Health 2,817 2,651 2,609
Science 1,043 944 958
University wide 1,419 1,333 1,189
QUT College


369 522

Faculty completions from 2018-2020

QUT Business School 2,710 2,781 2,351
Creative Industries 1,109 1,122 1,051
Education 753 798 955
Health 2,533 2,571 2,461
Law 982 870 761
Science and Engineering 2,063 1,944 1,905
Interfaculty 803 1,259 1,187
QUT International College 620 681 301
Other divisions 15 33 0


Female completions 6,519 6,890 6,235 7,133 6,578 6,115
Male completions 5,059 5,163 4,728 5,120 4,748 4,527
Other 10 6 9 36 33 44
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander completions 158 149 136 161 155 157
Domestic completions 8,510 8,732 8,427 9,492 9,152 8,633
International completions 3,078 3,327 2,545 2,797 2,207 2,053


Total staff

Total staff (full-time equivalent) 4,721.4 4,886.3 4,854.7 4,616.2 4456.8 4,586.3
Academic staff 2,145.4 2,259.7 2,180.4 2,177.2 2149.4 2,181.2
Professional staff 2,576.0 2,626.6 2,674.3 2,439.0 2307.4 2,405.1
Full-time or fractional full-time staff 3,791.1 3,885.9 4,048.5 3,770.0 3641.9 3,692.8
Casual staff 930.2 1,000.4 806.2 846.2 815.0 893.5
Total staff (bodies) 12,728 13,292 12,125 12,210 11,415 12,010

Academic staff

Level of academic staff
Professor 283.4 303.0 321.7 321.6 329.1 328.0
Associate Professor 177.3 195.1 194.9 222.1 240.0 256.4
Senior Lecturer 383.2 379.7 391.2 390.5 394.4 395.6
Lecturer 477.4 506.2 514.3 474.2 433.0 435.0
Associate Lecturer 824.2 875.7 758.2 768.8 752.9 766.2
Faculty academic staff from 2021
Business and Law 368.2 365.3 377.1
Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice 382.4 382.0 375.2
Engineering 324.7 319.3 331.5
Health 585.4 573.1 570.3
Science 381.2 391.0 400.2
Divisions 120.8 116.8 126.5
Retired Faculties and Institutes 14.6 2.0 0.4
Faculty academic staff from 2018-2020
QUT Business School 249.1 260.2 270.2
Creative Industries 266.8 290.1 291.2
Education 113.7 122.2 116.5
Health 602.7 627.4 569.4
Law 150.7 158.3 151.1
Science and Engineering 632.3 652.7 628.3
Divisions 115.2 127.4 123.8
Institutes 14.9 21.5 30.0
Caboolture Campus   
Diversity of academic staff
Female academic staff 1,057.6 1,132.5 1,086.7 1,104.9 1,071.4 1,071.8
Male academic staff 1,086.2 1,125.5 1,090.6 1,069.8 1,074.6 1,105.3
Other <6.0 <6.0 <6.0 <6.0 <6.0 <6.0
Australian citizen academic staff (estimated) 1,187.4 1,298.5 1,261.6 1,234.6 1,211.2 1,176.8
Overseas citizen academic staff (estimated) 958.0 961.2 918.7 942.6 938.2 1,004.4
Function of academic staff
Teaching and research 975.9 1,057.1 1,053.8 1,047.5 1,027.3 1,040.6
Research only 365.5 364.8 368.3 395.2 410.5 394.9
Teaching-intensive 748.2 778.0 691.8 668.1 649.3 683.0
Other 55.8 59.7 66.5 66.4 62.4 62.7

Staff ratios

Student: Staff 21.5 20.7 21.3 21.9 20.8 20.8


Revenue ($'000)

Total revenue $1,059,016 $1,160,763 $1,054,164 $1,163,401 $1,004,266 $1,188,335
Australian Government grants $385,601 $386,026 $387,795 $436,796 $401,002 $405,122
Higher Education Contribution Scheme $268,186 $276,216 $282,758 $276,077 $266,178 $278,219
Fees and charges $264,504 $296,359 $260,844 $218,530 $210,014 $273,678
Other revenue $140,725 $202,162 $122,767 $231,998 $127,072 $231,316

Expenses ($'000)

Total expenses $1,026,415 $1,072,372 $1,028,946 $1,023,526 $1,134,687 $1,209,018
Salary and wage expenses $578,048 $621,298 $623,156 $605,299 $608,908 $660,754
Other expenses $448,367 $451,074 $405,790 $418,227 $525,779 $548,264


Income ($'000)

Total research income $96,232 $92,322 $109,399 $121,917 $124,522 $125,362
Australian competitive grants $32,018 $32,056 $43,102 $46,214 $46,296 $47,068
Other public sector research funding $28,921 $27,514 $31,382 $28,354 $32,623 $31,005
Industry and other funding for research $29,953 $27,312 $27,201 $36,508 $31,860 $38,742
Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) funding $5,341 $5,440 $7,714 $10,841 $13,743 $8,547


Research outputs (unweighted) 3,315 3,298 3,385 4,138 4,082 3,531
Books 21 19 21 15 18 25
Book chapters 261 229 213 243 183 212
Journal articles 2,579 2,589 3,225 3,492 3,551 3,015
Conference papers 303 306 289 246 227 181
NTRO creative works 58 78 37 36 30 38
NTRO research reports 92 74 100 106 73 60


Total research completions 437 302 292 443 413 380
PhD completions 322 335 239 323 327 285
Masters by research completions 115 91 53 120 86 95

Research student enrolments (higher degree research students)

Total research student enrolments 2,518 2,512 2,467 2,468 2,338 2,343
Domestic research students 1,566 1,489 1,528 1,551 1,458 1,393
International research students 952 1,023 939 917 880 950

Collection, analysis and reporting

We store, analyse, and distribute management information including:

  • Australian federal government student, staff, and research statistics
  • national and state comparative figures
  • course performance data
  • admissions ( TAC ) data
  • summary survey statistics, including graduate outcomes and other surveys of quality and experience.