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Strengths and projects
Cutting-edge research driven from the heart of our research centres and groups.
Degrees and study
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We tackle some of the biggest questions facing the planet by combining different disciplines and capabilities. Our transdisciplinary research approach is delivering unique solutions.
Real world partnerships
We work closely with partners across all sectors who will apply our research outcomes to create solutions. We're engaging with government and industry, to translate our research to deliver real-world impacts.
We are harnessing our technological strengths across different disciplines to transform research by identifying new opportunities and delivering solutions to real-world problems.
Bold ideas, real impact
Making real progress

New CSIRO scholarships support QUT roboticists
Three QUT postgraduate students have embarked on robotics research that tackles disaster response and climate change, after being awarded the first scholarships from a major CSIRO scholarship fund.

B2B knowledge transfer mechanisms critical to building stronger relationships
QUT marketing research has shown the vital role that both formal and informal mechanisms - such as training and coaching - play in enhancing customer loyalty and trust in Business to Business relationships through the extent of knowledge transferred by a supplier.

QUT cosmologist helps shine light on dark energy
A QUT cosmologist is part of the international research team that today has published an analysis that shines new light on dark energy and suggests the standard model of how the universe works may need an update.

Our research is focused on progress, pushing the boundaries and developing new ideas through transdisciplinary thinking.

Our facilities
We're committed to providing high quality infrastructure, professional support and facilities for our researchers.
QUT public statement on research assessment
We are committed to supporting high quality and impactful research through responsible research assessment.
Download the QUT public statement on research assessment (PDF file, 86.1 KB)