QUT Alumni, 6 October, 2022

When your childhood interests include rocket launches, space exploration, astronauts and sci-fi TV shows, it’s no wonder that Rhianna Ferguson now finds herself building rockets as Principal Avionics Engineer at Gilmour Space.

Rhianna sits down with the QUT Alumni team to talk about her career in avionics engineering, and her hopes for the future of Australia’s space industry.

What do you do at Gilmour Space Technologies?

I am the Principal Avionics Engineer at Gilmour Space, which means I work with the team developing all of the different avionics components (i.e. flight computers, communications equipment & navigation sensors) that are being designed and fitted to our first orbital launch vehicle, Eris. I am leading the environmental qualification program which tests avionics components to ensure they will survive the harsh environment of launch. This includes performing vibration testing, thermal cycling, electromagnetic compatibility testing, and vacuum testing among a host of other verification activities. Additionally, I have a background in communications engineering and perform link analysis and modelling to ensure that data can be successfully transmitted from our rocket and received back at the ground station.

What drew you to doing an engineering degree in aerospace?

When I was a kid, I loved anything to do with astronauts, rockets launches and space exploration (along with a healthy dose of sci fi TV shows). I also really enjoyed problem solving and being creative, and engineering allowed me to combine both those things.  When I was in grade 12, I did the Australian Youth Aerospace Forum and that really solidified to me that I wanted to do an engineering degree and helped me understand the difference between the different engineering majors. Being more interested in the electrical branch of engineering and having a passion for space, the Aerospace Avionics major was the perfect choice for me.

What would be your ultimate project that you’d want to work on?

A rocket – just like I am now! Eris is designed to get payload to LEO (Low Earth Orbit), however in the future it would be awesome to work on launch vehicles to GEO (Geostationary Orbit) and beyond.

What would be one of your career highlights?

Being test conductor for an electromagnetic compatibility test on an eight hour flight on the Wedgetail aircraft when I was working at Boeing Defence Australia. Cutting laps in the air and putting a new modification through its paces on this advanced military surveillance aircraft was a one-of-a-kind experience.

What opportunities do you see will happen now that Australia has its own space agency?

There have been a host of space start-ups and small enterprises venturing into the space domain since the years of the space agency announcement. I would love to see collaboration between all the budding industry players and build up our Australian sovereign capability and expertise in the space domain.

What are some of your aspirations for the space industry?

When I was an aspiring aerospace engineer, I always assumed I would have to travel overseas to work in the space industry. I’m glad to now be able to say that there is a place for aspiring space engineers and scientists right here in Australia.

What is one skill you couldn’t live without and why?

Communication. No matter how awesome your ideas may be, or those of others, if you can’t effectively share them and discuss issues or improvements with your team then it is hard to get them realised. Also understanding how decibels work is very helpful.

How do you think we can encourage more women in STEM fields?

I would say educating school students to possible careers in STEM at a young age is really important, as well as showing them role models of women in these fields and all the awesome work they are doing.

Connect with Rhianna

Do you have a question for Rhianna? Connect with her on LinkedIn.

Learn more about Gilmour Space.


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