Topic: Innovation

6 March, 2024
Filed under: Innovation

Chloe Turrell | Engineering the Future of Health

Join us for an insightful conversation with QUT alumnus, Chloe Turrell - an award-winning Senior Biomedical Engineer who is working on groundbreaking solutions to current healthcare issues.

Read more of Chloe Turrell | Engineering the Future of Health

8 February, 2024
Filed under: Leadership, Innovation, Future of work

Deborah Henderson | AI in 2024: Managing risks and charting the future

As a QUT eMBA alumnus, Deborah Henderson brings her wealth of knowledge and ethical acumen as guest editor of the February 2024 edition of the Alumni newsletter. Deborah delves into navigating the profound impact (and risks of AI into 2024 and beyond.

Read more of Deborah Henderson | AI in 2024: Managing risks and charting the future

7 February, 2024
Filed under: Future of work, Innovation

Dr. Dakshi Kapugama Geeganage | AI's role in government procurement

QUT alumnus, Dr. Dakshi Kapugama Geeganage, delves into the realm of government procurement, unravelling the profound impact of AI and ML on various dimensions within this crucial sector.

Read more of Dr. Dakshi Kapugama Geeganage | AI's role in government procurement

2 February, 2024
Filed under: Innovation

Shane Dillon | AI in education: Global trends

In this insightful article, QUT alumnus and Cturtle founder, Shane Dillon, sheds light on the contrasting approaches the USA and China have adopted in the use of AI in education and the implications of these global trends for Australia.

Read more of Shane Dillon | AI in education: Global trends

9 November, 2023
Filed under: Innovation

Deanna Hood | Bucket list of an award-winning roboticist

Deanna Hood has worked on some incredible, out of this world (literally) robotics projects in her career. She shares some of the exciting projects she’s worked on and those that are yet to be ticked off her bucket list!

Read more of Deanna Hood | Bucket list of an award-winning roboticist

28 September, 2023
Filed under: Innovation, Indigenous Australians

Jacob Davidson | Transformation

Jacob is a proud descendant of the Gunditjamara and Ngarrindjeri mobs of South West Victoria and South East South Australia and is passionate about taking the family catering business all the way to Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Read more of Jacob Davidson | Transformation

13 September, 2023
Filed under: Global careers, Innovation

David Barker | Soccer Star to Tiffany & Co. Innovator

David's journey is nothing short of exceptional. His roots in elite sports, particularly professional soccer, have helped forge a relentless pursuit of excellence that now propels his accomplishments in jewelry design and mechanical engineering.

Read more of David Barker | Soccer Star to Tiffany & Co. Innovator

7 February, 2023
Filed under: Innovation

Chris Milligan | Driving innovation in the HR Tech industry

Serial tech entrepreneur, Chris Milligan, explains how success is due largely in part to a growth mindset and the power of perspective. He discusses new trends in HR, employment, and shares insights on how to continuously build on previous successes.

Read more of Chris Milligan | Driving innovation in the HR Tech industry

15 December, 2022
Filed under: Innovation

Dr Naomi Paxton | Medical Engineering & Biofabrication expert

PhD graduate Dr Naomi Paxton is at the forefront of medical engineering. Naomi uses 3D printing to create patient-specific anatomical models to assist in surgical planning and fabricate tissue engineered implants that regrow damaged or diseased tissues.

Read more of Dr Naomi Paxton | Medical Engineering & Biofabrication expert

28 November, 2022
Filed under: Innovation

Brett Wiskar | Future proofing businesses

As a Chief Future Officer at Wiley, Brett Wiskar works with businesses to drive efficiencies so they remain ahead of the curve for decades to come. He shares his take on emerging trends and disruptive business models.

Read more of Brett Wiskar | Future proofing businesses

6 October, 2022
Filed under: Innovation

Rhianna Ferguson | Entering the space race

QUT alumnus, Rhianna Ferguson, has her dream job building rockets as Principal Avionics Engineer at Gilmour Space. She talks about her career in avionics engineering, and her hopes for the future of Australia’s space industry.

Read more of Rhianna Ferguson | Entering the space race

5 October, 2022
Filed under: Innovation

Ari Popper | Creating the future through science fiction

Ari Popper, founder and CEO of SciFutures, uses sci-fi storytelling, graphic novels, motion comics, prototyping, live action video and virtual reality to challenge companies to accelerate innovation and dream up their preferred future state now.

Read more of Ari Popper | Creating the future through science fiction

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