Inspiring stories and industry insights from those who have walked the path before you. Connect with the game changers and tap into the collective wisdom of your alumni community.

5 June, 2023
Filed under: Sustainability

Frank Chen | The Alchemy of Trash

Frank Chen swapped a successful consultancy career for a small, shared space in China to work in the business of trash. He shares his motivation and how he grew a 3 person team to an innovative, award-winning company with a presence in 5 countries.

Read more of Frank Chen | The Alchemy of Trash

12 May, 2023
Filed under: Sustainability

Dr Bosibori Bett | Finding solutions to crop production challenges

Dr Bosibori Bett is on a quest to achieve regional biosecurity by strengthening capacity to detect pests and diseases in the Southeast Asian nations. She tells us about her professional journey and career highlights.

Read more of Dr Bosibori Bett | Finding solutions to crop production challenges

10 May, 2023
Filed under: Diversity and Inclusion

Danae Rees | Championing accessibility in the arts

Danae is the Managing Director of AXIS Dance Company, one of America's most acclaimed ensembles of disabled, non-disabled, and neurodiverse performers. She shares her journey and how organisations can create more accessible and inclusive workplaces.

Read more of Danae Rees | Championing accessibility in the arts

10 May, 2023
Filed under: Diversity and Inclusion

Lisa Mills | Teaching her ‘home’ language, Auslan

Lisa has taught sign language, her ‘home’ language, to over 50,000 students online. By increasing the number of people who learn sign language, she is helping make society more inclusive and making a difference in the deaf community.

Read more of Lisa Mills | Teaching her ‘home’ language, Auslan

9 May, 2023
Filed under: Diversity and Inclusion

Ipul Powaseu OBE | Disability Advocate

Ipul was partially paralysed by polio as an infant and would use her left hand to support her leg to walk. As a disability advocate, she shares what individuals without a disability can do to be a better ally to the community.

Read more of Ipul Powaseu OBE | Disability Advocate

4 April, 2023
Filed under: Arts and Culture

James Bennett | Story is key for animators

Animator, business owner and all-round funny guy, James Bennett the founder of Shomen Productions, outlines the importance for animators to understand the greater narrative being told through their work.

Read more of James Bennett | Story is key for animators

4 April, 2023
Filed under: Arts and Culture

Tracey Robertson | Grabbing attention with great scripts & stories

Having worked in the film and production industry for over 25 years, Tracey shares her perspective on industry trends, unique opportunities for Australian production companies, tips for pitching stories, and how to land a gig overseas as a producer.

Read more of Tracey Robertson | Grabbing attention with great scripts & stories

4 April, 2023
Filed under: Arts and Culture

Dr Danny Tan | Innovation through connection

As CEO and Artistic Director of Odyssey Dance Theatre Ltd, Danny Tan has honed his creative practice and delivered arts excellence on an international stage. He discusses emerging trends in dance and what continues to drive his need to innovate.

Read more of Dr Danny Tan | Innovation through connection

2 March, 2023
Filed under: Leadership

Cecily McGuckin | Talking Leadership with the first female CEO in Australia’s Steel distribution industry

Pairing her gut instinct with facts to make significant decisions, CEO and Managing Director of Queensland Sheet and Steel, Cecily McGuckin, brings a fresh approach to leadership and workplace culture in the steel industry.

Read more of Cecily McGuckin | Talking Leadership with the first female CEO in Australia’s Steel distribution industry

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