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See how supporting research can help shape a better world.

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Reasons to give to research

Save lives through medical technology

Protect our environment

Give children a brighter future

Precision treatment for prostate cancer

Your support will help progress treatment strategies to fight prostate cancer and improve patient outcomes.

Help improve cancer treatment

Restore the Great Barrier Reef

Your support will help secure the future of one of the world’s most incredible natural treasures by eradicating destructive reef pests and growing healthy, new coral.

How we're saving the Great Barrier Reef

Eyecare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children

Your support will enable QUT’s Children’s Vision team to provide better vision for more children.

How we're giving children a brighter future

Protect the Major Mitchell's Cockatoo from extinction

Your support will provide monitoring that is vital to ensure the survival of this iconic Australian bird species.

How we're protecting the cockatoo

Latest giving news

13 May 2024

Where there’s a will, there’s a way for others to rise like CJ

Giving back to the community and helping others have long been key values for Christopher Thom (“CJ”) – and he is thriving in a career that allows him to do just that.

13 May 2024

Learning to fly: How LPF transformed Trish’s journey

For Trish Robinson, the thought of completing a degree as a mature-age student was fanciful.

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Support financially struggling students to stay at university and reach their full potential.

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