Author: Ruth Knight

6 June, 2021
Filed under:
Thought leadership
Modern slavery
Australia has a Modern Slavery Act. Does it affect you? You might be surprised.

2 April, 2021
Filed under:
Thought leadership
The rise of social enterprise and its power to create social change in fashion
Nonprofit organisations, companies and governments are increasingly recognising that commerce and entrepreneurship can be powerfully combined.
Read more of The rise of social enterprise and its power to create social change in fashion

22 February, 2021
Filed under:
Thought leadership
Engaging and retaining volunteers during a global pandemic
Retain and engaging volunteers has always been a challenge for organisations that depend on a consistent and skilled volunteer workforce, even before the pandemic. Hear strategies and real examples in future proofing your charity.
Read more of Engaging and retaining volunteers during a global pandemic

19 January, 2021
Filed under:
Thought leadership
Social enterprise is growing in Queensland. But what's influencing the boom and investment in the sector?
So what does the Brisbane and Queensland landscape look like and making social enterprise career pivots, a career move worth making?

15 January, 2021
Filed under:
Thought leadership
Do social enterprises use marketing to create social change?
Dr Ruth Knight shares her insights for social enterprises and increasing their effectiveness in utilising the power of responsible marketing.
Read more of Do social enterprises use marketing to create social change?