Author: Wendy Scaife

4 December, 2021
Filed under:
Thought leadership
How generous is your profession (CEO & managing directors)?
Do you perceive Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and Managing Directors (MDs) as stingy or generous? Philanthropy researchers assess the data of CEOs and managing directors and whether they are generous or not.
Read more of How generous is your profession (CEO & managing directors)?

29 August, 2021
Filed under:
Thought leadership
The upside
The trend over the last 25 years is for the rate of giving to outpace inflation, writes Professor Myles-McGregor Lowndes and Associate Professor Wendy Scaife.

19 January, 2021
Filed under:
Thought leadership
Social enterprise is growing in Queensland. But what's influencing the boom and investment in the sector?
So what does the Brisbane and Queensland landscape look like and making social enterprise career pivots, a career move worth making?