Esther Au

Jaqquline Lawrie, 19 September, 2024 | Esther Au stands beside a portrait of Professor Fred Hollows, the renowned eye surgeon and humanitarian who founded The Fred Hollows Foundation.

Esther Au, a QUT Graduate Certificate in Business (Public Sector Management) and Executive MBA alumnus, has consistently been at the forefront of change in the healthcare industry and public sector. As a leader dedicated to making a meaningful difference, Esther’s drive to positively impact her community started at a very young age.

Growing up as the child of two immigrants from South-East Asia who built their lives in Australia, Esther witnessed firsthand how sectors like healthcare, justice, and law enforcement shape lives.

Reflecting on her upbringing, she shared, “I've been very fortunate, growing up in a place like Australia, which has access to health, social and law enforcement systems.”

“I’ve always been motivated to work in areas that impact people’s lives and truly make a difference,” she continued.

“I’m particularly drawn to areas of work like healthcare because they are complex and yet have the power to make meaningful change for the vast majority of the community.”

With a love for reading and writing, Esther combined her passion with her goal to make a difference and pursued a career in communications.

“I’ve loved reading and writing since I was a kid,” she said, “and as an avid reader, it felt natural to combine these skills with my mission to give a voice to others.”

Starting her leadership journey in healthcare

Esther’s leadership journey in the healthcare industry began when she transitioned from an impressive career in law enforcement to one in New South Wales (NSW) Health.

While serving as a Media Advisor at NSW Health, Esther’s manager, who had completed QUT’s Public Sector Management Program (PSMP) herself, saw Esther's potential and encouraged her to pursue the program to grow as a leader in the public sector.

“I’ve always had a personal goal to make a greater impact, and at the time, my manager recognised this and encouraged and nominated me for QUT’s PSMP,” Esther shared.

“It was an honour that she had confidence in me and recognised my desire to become more competent as a leader.”

Many students in QUT’s PSMP are nominated and supported by their managers and HR representatives. The QUT PSMP blends work-based learning, workshops, and virtual sessions to shape individuals into effective leaders. It enhances management and leadership skills, boosts confidence, and expands professional networks beyond their current work environment. Participants also earn an internationally recognised Graduate Certificate in Business (Public Sector Management).

“The Public Sector Management Program helped me to achieve greater excellence and autonomy,” she shared.

“It gave me a practical grounding in business responsibilities, particularly the public sector where I was working, and a stronger understanding of how our environment shapes decision-making.”

The PSMP also helped Esther achieve her goals of professional growth and creating a greater impact. Shortly after completing the PSMP, Esther advanced into other leadership roles, becoming the Principal Advisor – Media and PR (Cancer Institute NSW) and then the Communications Manager at The Fred Hollows Foundation, a global development organisation focused on eye health.

Reflecting on her experience, Esther shared, “The program helped me achieve those early leadership goals of growing professionally and making a bigger impact.”

“It was a great foundation for what was to come after that,” she continued.

Using her voice to drive impact

Esther continued to grow her impact at The Fred Hollows Foundation and leads a team of communication and creative experts, all working towards the shared mission of eliminating avoidable blindness and improving Indigenous Australian health.

It was during this role that Esther started exploring programs to further build her influence and hone her leadership skills.

After researching several programs that could help her grow as a leader, she chose QUT’s Executive MBA. Explaining her choice, Esther shared, “I chose to study an Executive MBA because I was at a stage in my career where I had management and leadership experience in complex settings, but plenty more room to grow.

“I wanted a program that would refine and push me to be a better leader in a dynamic environment, which QUT’s Executive MBA offered.”

The QUT Executive MBA, available in Brisbane and Canberra, empowers students to accelerate their leadership journey and achieve new career and personal milestones. Students benefit by learning from leading academics, engaging with global companies, and collaborating with high-achieving peers.

For Esther, choosing to study QUT’s Executive MBA in Canberra was a simple decision.

“When comparing Executive MBA programs across Australia, I was impressed by QUT’s emphasis on excellence, systems thinking and international leadership,” she said.

“I had also previously completed the Public Sector Management Program at QUT and knew I could receive credit for this towards my Executive MBA.”

Midway through her Executive MBA, Esther's leadership journey accelerated. She was promoted to Head of Communications, which expanded her responsibilities and impact, and allowed her to advocate for The Fred Hollows Foundation’s work on a larger scale.

“As Head of Communications at The Fred Hollows Foundation, I lead a team to tell the life-changing stories of Professor Fred Hollows and the work of The Foundation to treat blindness and vision impairment in resource-challenged environments,” she shared.

Reflecting on how her Executive MBA contributed to her growth, Esther said, “QUT’s Executive MBA gave me tools to unpack the high degree of interconnectivity and complexity I face working for an international NGO.”

Adding to this sentiment, Esther also credited the combination of the QUT PSMP and Executive MBA for shaping her into the philanthropic leader she is today.

“Both programs challenged me to think deeply about my goals and how I could make a meaningful impact,” she said.

“They reinforced the idea that I can drive change across different sectors.

“The sense of purpose and motivation I gained continues to guide me, no matter where my career takes me.”

Ready to lead meaningful change?


Jaqquline Lawrie

Marketing Content Coordinator


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