Rebecca Gundalech, 6 September, 2017
Lance Hockridge was CEO of Aurizon Holdings for six and a half years until December 2016. In that role he transformed the state-owned behemoth into one of Australia’s strongest performing companies. Lance has over 30 years of experience in the transportation and heavy industrial sectors in Australia and the United States. As President of BlueScope Steel’s North American operations, he led the successful demerger from BHP and a massive turnaround in performance.
What has been your career highlight to date?
I have enjoyed a rich and diverse career in transport, steel and manufacturing. The highlight in recent times of course was leading Aurizon through an IPO and setting the company on a path to being a safe, customer focussed and sustainable company for its owners, employees and communities.
What leadership values are most important to you in business?
Ethics, standards, courage and tenacity come readily to mind. I think it is important that any business be able to articulate its values and encourage the leadership of the business to act accordingly.
What do you think the rail industry will look like in 20 years?
Like most industries and businesses, I believe rail faces an incredible period of intersection of technology, artificial intelligence and changes in customer businesses and business models. Rather than trying to predict outcomes, in that environment I think we need to be alive to all possibilities and prepared to effectively deal with them.
What advice would you give to aspiring business leaders?
From a personal development point of view to understand where your own strengths lie, working on them to further improve and seeking to fill the gaps. From a business perspective to build a solid and distinguishable capability, deliver results, and maintain focus on the future as well as today.
Read more highlights from Lance Hockridge’s address or find out more about the QUT Business Leaders’ Forum.