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11 September, 2018
Filed under: Environment and energy, Accounting

Can accounting help solve the political problems of energy and climate change?

Drawing on the recent Finkel Review, Dr Annette Quayle explores how accounting offers techniques for reducing political complexity around climate change.

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5 June, 2020
Filed under: Marketing

Brands backing Black Lives Matter: it might be a marketing ploy, but it also shows leadership

Corporate support for the protests against institutional racism in the US signals the rise of 'political corporate social responsibility'.

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8 June, 2020
Filed under: Leadership and management, Organisational behaviour

Leading for the future – Navigating the new normal through COVID-19

With predictions that the next 20 years will bring about more change than we have experienced over the last 300, what do future-thinking leaders need to consider?

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3 June, 2020
Filed under: Leadership and management, MBA

Rankings are important (but not always equal)

When choosing an MBA program that will suit you, industry rankings can be valuable source in selecting the right course. But not all rankings are equal. Hear from our Director of MBA program on how to decipher an MBA ranking.

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29 May, 2021
Filed under: Marketing

Don’t blame COVID-19: Target’s decline is part of a deeper trend

Target's fall from grace involves poor market positioning, confusing strategies, and a declining middle class consumer market.

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28 May, 2020
Filed under: Entrepreneurship, Strategy

Making decisions as an entrepreneur – the role of entrepreneurial risk management

Successful entrepreneurs master risk management in their decision making. By seeking non-traditional solutions, entrepreneurs develop their abilities and mindset to make calculated decisions.

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14 May, 2020
Filed under: Organisational behaviour, Leadership and management

Not all doom and gloom: even in a pandemic, mixed emotions are more common than negative ones

Things may seem all doom and gloom. New data reveals it’s surprisingly rare for a person to experience purely negative emotions. More commonly, people are instead experiencing mixed emotions, even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read more of Not all doom and gloom: even in a pandemic, mixed emotions are more common than negative ones

7 May, 2020
Filed under: Entrepreneurship

Parallels of extreme adventure and isolation

Hear from QUT’s Entrepreneur-in-residence and extreme adventurer, Eleanor Carey on the mindset life cycle of physical isolation and then life returning back to normal.

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6 April, 2020
Filed under: Entrepreneurship

Doom and gloom for Australian businesses, but maintaining our entrepreneurial spirit may be the silver lining

The entrepreneurial spirit of Australians can be the antidote against the economic downturn anticipated in the aftermath of Covid-19, says Martin Obschonka and other researchers.

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27 March, 2020
Filed under: Leadership and management

Trust deficit disorder: Do we trust the news media in Australia?

How much do Australians trust the news media? The Centre for Behavioural Economics, Society and Technology and the News and Media Research Centre investigate.

Read more of Trust deficit disorder: Do we trust the news media in Australia?

19 March, 2020
Filed under: Nonprofit and philanthropy

How a time of panic buying could yet bring us together

Panic buying and other behaviours in times of crisis may bring people together, say Gary Mortimer, Professor of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour at QUT, and Jana Bowden, Associate Professor of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour at Macquarie University.

Read more of How a time of panic buying could yet bring us together

25 February, 2020
Filed under: Nonprofit and philanthropy

Modern philanthropy and the Gospel of Wealth

In the early 20th Century, Andrew Carnegie led us into the ‘Gilded Age’ of philanthropy with his seminal work the Gospel of Wealth. Since then, a lot has changed in the world of philanthropy.

Read more of Modern philanthropy and the Gospel of Wealth

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