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29 August, 2019
Filed under: Organisational behaviour

Wellness in the workplace

General Manager Culture and People at RedEye and QUT Business School alum, Louise Sharman, shares how this Brisbane startup is making workplace wellbeing a priority.

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23 September, 2019
Filed under: Innovation and technology

Big Brother is watching

PhD candidate Irena Bukhshtaber explores the implications of technology and AI in recruitment.

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18 April, 2018
Filed under: Leadership and management, Organisational behaviour

Playing nice at work could cost you success

Individuals high in traits like narcissism, actively seek out prestige, target high level jobs and make their accomplishments known to those around them.

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19 February, 2019
Filed under: Innovation and technology

What’s trending in 2019

Professor Marek Kowalkiewicz shares nine business, technology, and social trends that will shape 2019.

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12 November, 2019
Filed under: Entrepreneurship, Strategy

Value of academic entrepreneurship

Entrepreneur, QUT foundry community manager and academic, Vibhor Pandey demystifies academic entrepreneurship.

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8 May, 2018
Filed under: Leadership and management

Mentoring for success

Mentoring can provide women with the tools they need to thrive in business. We talk to Vanessa McCormack, Lead, Human Resources, State Library Queensland, about how mentoring relationships have been an integral part of her career success.

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26 July, 2017
Filed under: Entrepreneurship

What investors look for in early-stage startups

Investment manager Stewart Glynn shares some advice for early-stage startups seeking funding.

Read more of What investors look for in early-stage startups

30 August, 2016
Filed under: Leadership and management

Leadership lessons from Steve McCann

Three leadership lessons from Group Chief Executive and Managing Director of Lendlease, Steve McCann.

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17 September, 2017
Filed under: Leadership and management

How do you become more resilient in business?

Studies of leaders make it very clear resilience is one of the top three factors in career success. How can you become more resilient?

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