Topic: Thought leadership

30 June, 2021
Filed under: Thought leadership

COVID-19 has changed the future of retail: there’s plenty more automation in store

Australian supermarket giant Woolworths has announced its single biggest investment in logistics infrastructure, spending A$780 million to replace up to 1,300 workers with robots.

Read more of COVID-19 has changed the future of retail: there’s plenty more automation in store

29 June, 2021
Filed under: Thought leadership

Closing the loop for system change

Seljak co-founders and QUT Business School alumni, Karina Seljak and Samantha Seljak share their insights and experience in closing the textile waste loop.

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8 June, 2021
Filed under: Leadership, Thought leadership

Leading for the future – Navigating the new normal through COVID-19

With predictions that the next 20 years will bring about more change than we have experienced over the last 300, what do future-thinking leaders need to consider?

Read more of Leading for the future – Navigating the new normal through COVID-19

6 June, 2021
Filed under: Thought leadership

Modern slavery

Australia has a Modern Slavery Act. Does it affect you? You might be surprised.

Read more of Modern slavery

5 June, 2021
Filed under: Thought leadership

The gender dividend in philanthropy

Investing in organisations and programs focused on women and girls yields higher dividends.

Read more of The gender dividend in philanthropy

28 May, 2021
Filed under: Entrepreneurship and innovation, Thought leadership

Making decisions as an entrepreneur – the role of entrepreneurial risk management

Successful entrepreneurs master risk management in their decision making. By seeking non-traditional solutions, entrepreneurs develop their abilities and mindset to make calculated decisions.

Read more of Making decisions as an entrepreneur – the role of entrepreneurial risk management

20 May, 2021
Filed under: Thought leadership

Men are from Mars, women are from… Mars? How people choose partners is surprisingly similar (but depends on age)

Each year, more and more people are looking to dating apps to find a partner. And a trove of data from these users is finally revealing what men and women really want.

Read more of Men are from Mars, women are from… Mars? How people choose partners is surprisingly similar (but depends on age)

14 May, 2021
Filed under: Thought leadership

Did someone drop a zero? Australia’s digital economy budget spend should be 10 times bigger

We need a tenfold increase in the digital economy budget spending for Australia to become a leading digital economy.

Read more of Did someone drop a zero? Australia’s digital economy budget spend should be 10 times bigger

14 May, 2021
Filed under: Thought leadership, Leadership

Not all doom and gloom: even in a pandemic, mixed emotions are more common than negative ones

Things may seem all doom and gloom. New data reveals it’s surprisingly rare for a person to experience purely negative emotions. More commonly, people are instead experiencing mixed emotions, even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read more of Not all doom and gloom: even in a pandemic, mixed emotions are more common than negative ones

18 April, 2021
Filed under: Leadership, Thought leadership

Playing nice at work could cost you success

Individuals high in traits like narcissism, actively seek out prestige, target high level jobs and make their accomplishments known to those around them.

Read more of Playing nice at work could cost you success

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